Vital Signs: What Can We Learn?

I'm an ICU nurse. Before that, I was an ER nurse. There is a whole lot that goes into my job, but one of the most important things I do is assess and intervene when a patient's condition is declining. Using critical thinking and analyzing the data before me, I make decisions that impact my patient's wellbeing. One of the quantitative measurements of a patient's condition is their vital signs. Their blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, and temperature. When evaluating a set of vital signs, if something looks abnormal, the first thing I do is look at the trends. What was the patient's last blood pressure reading? What is their baseline blood pressure? What is their general appearance? Do they look ill? All these factors play a role in my assessment of a patient's condition and whether they need intervention or I should just continue to monitor. 

Watching the stock market reminds me of watching a patient's vital signs. When looking at a set of data, it is important to look at the big picture and assess surrounding factors and history. Both the stock market and a patient's condition can be very unpredictable. Just as a patient can be stable one moment and crashing the next, stock market prices can appear to be thriving and then take a downward turn. 

As a nurse, I've learned the importance of pausing to assess a situation before I intervene. Instead of panicking and letting my emotions lead me to a snap decision, I cut my emotions out of the equation and use critical thinking. 

I'm new to the world of investing and cryptocurrency, but I hope that the skills and mindset I have honed in my profession will aid me in my success financially. 

Has anyone else had a similar experience or observation? Let me know in the comments below!