Uhive - Bringing People and Crypto Together

I have been using Uhive for a good amount of time and have fallen in love. It has probably been since the company first started going public. I have stayed strong and watched them grow. I am seeing big things happening and I am glad I have stuck with them this whole time. They are taking Blockchain to a whole new level. Making People and Crypto connected in the closest way. Like Facebook, this is a way to connect with friends, family, and random people you would never have the chance to meet in real life. Uhive has a lot of differences from Facebook that make it so much better. Anonymity, freedom to be yourself, and being paid for your involvement are only a few. Owning the actual space you post on is something that is going to take the world by storm when more people get involved. At anytime Facebook can limit what you say or even cancel your account. Uhive is real social media freedom.

They have just reached 300,000 users and it is constantly growing. This company is growing fast and I could see it taking over social media one day.

When you enter the app it is just like any other social platform. Once you go and look at the spaces though things get interesting.

It looks like the cosmos, which I think they did on purpose because it is like a digital universe. The future of Social Media is now people.

There have been recent updates that are a game-changer for this program. Big things are coming soon. Recently they were listed on exchanges and during this writing Uhive is selling at $0.0036 and by the end of this year, I think it could be anywhere around $2! Soon you will be able to sell your spaces. They recently allowed you to buy spaces and the price of Uhive has just been going up since then but once spaces are going to be able to be sold, I think the price is going to go even higher after all of the hype goes down from selling off property people have saved up. I am in this for the long run though. I plan on holding my spaces for a couple more years when Uhive has millions of users! It is inevitable.

Another great thing about Uhive is that there is no one telling you what you can and can not post. It is total freedom. As it grows I am sure there will be problems with this with the governments but I am sure they will find a way to restrict us in some kind of way just like with everything else.

Uhive also has an option called Free World. It is a way to explore Uhive but be totally anonymous. Freedom to be you without anyone knowing it is you. I like this option. I have not been able to explore it yet because they are in the middle of doing some touch-ups but I am thinking it will be everything I am wanting.

The exchange that I am going to use when I decide to profit from my investments will be ProBit. There are only 2 Exchanges that are allowing the exchange of Uhive and ProBit seemed the best choice to me.

Here is the price of Uhive on Coingecko

At the moment you can only buy spaces but they are in the works as we speak for you to be able to sell your spaces. This is what it says when you click to sell them.

This is one of the most exciting updates I am looking forward to. I do not plan on selling any of my spaces on Uhive at the moment but sometime in the next year or two, I might let a couple go lol.

I hope you have enjoyed my article and give Uhive a chance. I think that you will like it way more than the alternatives and you can even make a little Crypto while you do it. Be free with me and spend your time in Uhive.

I have a strong feeling Uhive is the future of social media. Be a part of it while it is young because in the future you are going to wish you were a part of it when it started!

I hope everyone has an amazing day!