Tribalism before Crypto was cancer!

Tribalism before Crypto was cancer! Tribalism after crypto is just as cancerous!

"AH!!!! You're not part of my super cool coin/token club, therefore you suck! AAAHHH!!!! Allow me to club you to death with my verbal diarrhoea every time you voice your opinion on something until you leave AAHHH!!!!"

Can we move past this point in crypto history already? It literally helps no one, even the guy acting like a complete moron. If anything, it's pushing away those who may have otherwise adopted crypto into their daily lives.

It's really interesting to see how social media has created a virtual world where the more controversial you are (just for the sake of being controversial), the more the algorithms ensure you receive the attention, your ever so fragile ego craves. The more attention you receive, the more it massages your ego. The more your ego is massaged, the further down the cesspool of depravity and slander you sink.

Work your way back to collective consciousness and empathy. If you don't, you know what? I pity you. I really do. I pity you, your dead heart and your lack of common decency.