Trevon James Banned from Youtube for Saying Bill Gates Eats Babies

What? Bill Gates does eat babies. He kills them at least. He's been a guest on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island, and he's on record upholding the European World War II policy of reducing the non-white world population through medical apartheid. He's now the US's biggest farmland owner even though he's not a fuckin farmer, and he's directing policy at the World Health Organization even though he's not a goddamn doctor. 

Bill Gates isn't even a real tech guy. He didn't create the product that started Microsoft's journey to world domination. He bought it from a real programmer. He didn't even have the best products when Microsoft was in its heyday. What he had was a cabal of patent lawyers that made deals with government to provide him with a monopoly on 90s computing software. I suppose the other side of that deal was to promote policies that condense power in the hands of the central bankers.

Look, I really don't care if you believe the conspiracies or not. Research Gates' policies and what effect they would have on you. Even if you are white, he's trying to feed you Frankenfood. The piece of shit is good for nobody.

So Trevon James gets banned from Youtube right after joking that "Bill Gates eats babies." If there was no merit to the accusation, it should be jokingly dismissed as hyperbole, a common literary tool. The fact that James and others have been banned from Youtube for comments like this, and only when mentioning Gates, begs the question — is someone mad because the rumors are hitting a bit too close to home?

Look, Bill. Billy. William. If you just stop eating babies, you wouldn't feel so bad if someone jokes about it. If someone joked that I eat babies, I wouldn't get mad. Because I don't eat babies. I'd laugh it off and talk about eating his mom's pussy or something.

What does this have to do with crypto? A lot. This post is actually a critique of James, and all of us, not Gates. Gates is beyond help. He's been eating babies too long, him and his fake feminist wife. I'm speaking to the folks who need to get away from Gates. The world of decentralization is upon us. There is no need to spend any time under the umbrella of any business that has anything to do with Bill Babyeater Gates. 

James does promote and invest in Odysee, which is a decentralized version of Youtube. Why didn't other content creators make Odysee their number one platform as soon as it came out? No, people have to be personally affected in a major way before they make a switch, even a switch that's good for them. Now that James' channel is banned, he may start promoting Odysee as his primary source of video content. But if Youtube puts his channel back up, it'll be back to things as usual. Because most people don't care about the larger implications of what they do or say when it's offensive to some establishment contingent of society. They only care when that establishment contingent starts to take privileges from them. Then it's oppression this, unfair reptilian overlords that.

What this tells me is James, and most of us, have the same moral coding as Gates and the rest of the baby eaters. Were James in Gates' position, James would not champion a changing of the moral guard. He'd do some version of the same thing Gates does. Why? Because doing that would more quickly establish him in am untouchable position of power. The only reason most of you complain about Gates or other well-moneyed people is that you're not in that position, not because you have some moral bone to pick with them. You don't, really. You are them. Just born into a poorer family.

If you're about it, be about it now, when you have full life and strength to fight against dark and create the light. Don't wait until you're cast into the darkness and start yelling for the light. You could have created it while you were strong, but you chose to just bask in the sun that was already there.

Don't start joking about Bill Gates on Youtube and expect to get away with it. We should be building up decentralized platforms like Odysee NOW and moving away from Youtube before we get hit with some wake-up call, which means it will be too late for half of us.

And yes, it doesn't get past me that Odysee has a CEO and it's not ideally decentralized. Things aren't perfect anywhere. So let's get started now.



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar