Travel and Get Around Tips In Upland Get Ready For the Fireworks Challenge

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Upland Basic Festival Tips: Cities, Travel, Itinerary, Budgeting

The Fireworks Festival Challenge this weekend is a great opportunity for new players because you will drop into a lot of free game currency that you can add to your existing game budget. However, as a beginner, to get the best advantage for your game investment, you may have to spend $6 on travel expenses, which you will likely get back and perhaps add to as well, when you participate in the entire Festival Challenge, with Fireworks Drops in all of the scheduled cities on Sunday the 4th of July. 

Firework Drop Schedule

  • Wave 1: Brooklyn, 8:00 AM PT
  • Wave 2: Chicago, 12:00 PM PT
  • Wave 3: Fresno, 3:00 PM PT
  • Wave 4: Oakland, 5:00 PM PT
  • Wave 5: San Francisco, 7:00 PM PT


Overview | Upland Send Strategy, Travel Tips, and the Fireworks Festival 

If you are just beginning in Upland, you may be in Bakersfield. There are many FSA properties in 2 collection neighborhoods there. If you are in Bakersfield you could spend 6-7 bucks on travel to go from Bakersfield to Brooklyn and follow the challenge from start to finish.
Whether you start from B.F or another location here is all you need to know. You will learn about travel in Upland first hand. Following the challenge, beginning in Bakersfield, or another city, then traveling to Brooklyn, finishing the challenge in San Francisco, will require you to experience every form of transportation in Upland except for the Hyperloop between Chicago and Cleveland. If your Block Explorer is in Bakersfield on business, here is the travel schedule.

Firework Drop Schedule

Send your Block Explorer out of Bakersfield by Saturday night. Here is how it is done. First make sure you are prepared with 11 sends acquired. Every time you send your Block Explorer you are reminded how many sends you have left. Watch it closely at all times and be on the lookout for send arrows appearing on the game map.
Send Tips: If you spend one send, to send to a property you do not own, where there is a send arrow you can click on, you will pick up 2 or more sends to add to your total. Sends to your own properties in a city where your Block Explorer is are free. Remember: Every send to a transportation facility is deducted from your total. Monitor you send total.

Beginning | Send your Explorer to the Bakersfield train station by clicking on the terminal icon. Take the train to San Francisco. When you are in San Francisco, look southeast and find the airport on the game map. Send the explorer to the airport. Book to Manhattan, When you land in Manhattan, you will not be on the island of Manhattan but close. Find Manhattan, find the Grand Central Train Station and click on the terminal to send your explored there. Upon arriving at the station, find the bus to Brooklyn. When you get there, disembark, ready for Sunday Morning, July 4th.

This is the S.F. Airport terminal. Click on any terminal to book your flight.
  • Wave 1: Brooklyn, 8:00 AM PT

Leaving Brooklyn: When you are ready to go; Send to the Train Station, Bus back to Manhattan train terminal.. Send to the Airport. Fly to Chicago. Look for the train station. Click on the station to send you explorer there. Start hunting. Tip: All travel expenses will cost UPX. Prices may vary. Top estimate for this itinerary, $6-$7. may be a little lower. 

  • Wave 2: Chicago, 12:00 PM PT

Leaving Chicago: Send your explorer to the Chicago train terminal. Send to the airport. Then fly to San Francisco. Send to the train terminal in S.F. Book to Fresno. Disembark, Start hunting. 

  • Wave 3: Fresno, 3:00 PM PT

Leaving Fresno: Take the train from Fresno to San Francisco and then another to Oakland. The rest is child's play. From Oakland take the train to San Francisco and complete the challenge.

  • Wave 4: Oakland, 5:00 PM PT
  • Wave 5: San Francisco, 7:00 PM PT
Last Transportation Tips: 1. Have fun. and 2. be careful in Manhattan.  The train station going to Brooklyn from grand Central is not called Brooklyn. The Brooklyn terminal is named for the location in Brooklyn of the station. 


Upland Challenges: Your Friend The Send and Avoiding Confusion

This will be the Block Explorers third Pinata Drop attempt. Our explorer will Start in Brooklyn leaving from Cleveland to Chicago today to fly to Manhattan, and bus to Brooklyn. IRUUR1 will complete the mission in San Francisco. That is unless we change our minds which is always possible. So these are just the basic tips we are using to get around that also are helpful in other challenges on Upland as well.


In any search or treasure hunt where a thousand or more people are taking part at the same time, people bump into each other and lose direction for a moment. They find others at a location and think they have found the right location only to realize it was another reference to a property in the clue.  Trying to remember where you were, before you went on the wrong track, to try to regain position is a common experience. But even if you are a natural slueth, you will not want to be caught short on UPX and Sends.
The most common confusion in a treasure hunt is the clues. There may be more than one answer that is close to the right one or you may confuse the reference in the clue. If this happens to you in the Fireworks Challenge you will not be alone. But if you do not prepare, you may find yourself in trouble.


Your Basic Budget and Send Strategy

The budget is the easiest part because you don't need a lot of UPX to travel around in Upland. However if you are a beginner on a budget your travel and send expenses can mount up, so know how much of the challenge you want to participate a set a small amount aside for your send and travel plan.
Upland Air and Ground Transportation Budget
Prices may vary in Upland on transportation so these are approximated slightly high so you will have a cushion.

Firework Drop Schedule

  • Wave 1: Brooklyn, 8:00 AM PT
To get to Brooklyn from anywhere other than Staten island or Manhattan, you will need to fly to Manhattan and take the bus to Brooklyn. - From Chicago to Manhattan Approx 2,000 UPX - San Francisco To Manhattan 2,500 UPX. All ground transportation in Upland is under 50 UPX, generally around 30. 
  • Wave 2: Chicago, 12:00 PM PT
So flying to  Chicago will be 2,000 UPX, then to fly out to San Francisco from Chicago, another 2,000 UPX. The train ride to Fresno will be around 100 UPX. All other ground transportation ifrom Fresno will be around 40 UPX, per ride.
  • Wave 3: Fresno, 3:00 PM PT
  • Wave 4: Oakland, 5:00 PM PT
  • Wave 5: San Francisco, 7:00 PM PT
Remember Pinatas may not all be discovered in a city before the drop in the next one. So you may not want to do all the  challenge. But when they are gone and you want more, you know what to do. Here is a guide to your sends, ground game, and costs.


Sends: Basic Knowledge - Budget

  • Sends to Upland Ground Transportation Stations within a city 10 to 20 UPX
  • Sends to city Airports approx. 50 UPX
  • Sends to Other Owned Properties within a city from 20 to 100 UPX per visit
  • Sends to your own property within a city are free
  • If two or more block explorers are in the same proximity of a send arrow, the one who clicks it first gets the sends and the arrow vanishes.


4th of July Fireworks and Other Upland Challenges; Sends Ground Game

  • Start with 11 sends (maximum) Try to stay close to maximum
  • Try not to fall below 5 sends
  • Be on the lookout for send arrows
  • When you see a send arrow, click on any owned property next to it to send your Explorer to it. Click the send arrow. You will get 2 to 4 sends to add to your total.
Start with 11 sends. You never know what you might decide to do next. You may get an inspiration that costs you a few sends to make sure you were correct. This because pinatas do not show up instantly every time and they move a little, like all good pinatas should. Also once they are gone that's it, so you may want to spend a few sends quickly. That is why you should always try not to fall below 5 sends if you can help it. You never know when you might need to move quickly and spend a few sends on a clue. And if you run low on sends, and a couple of people beat you to the send arrows you find and they vanish, you will still have more to get what you need. 
If you do not own property in a city you can send your Block Explorer to for free, and you run out, you may spend a great deal of time hoping your Explorer finds a send arrow on the board in time to leave for the next city.


Visitors Fees

Happily, most properties you land on to find pinatas and send to, to get more sends are around 30 UPX. However definitely in San Francisco and possibly Chicago you will find high visitor fees. Make sure you research any clues you are not sure of, before you spend too many sends, and too much UPX on visitors fees, You can run low on sends quickly by sending to too many properties, and on UPX if your money is tight. if your budget is tight.
Don't get too frantic. The idea is to get a few pinatas, and as many as you can of course, by being accurate. Beter overall than going too hard on one or more you can't figure out in time and spending a lot of assets. However if assets are no problem and you love the pace. that is a great game too. IRUUR1 is going to do the latter on this one and hopefully will still get a few without spending too many assets.
Happy 4th
Good Fortune
This is article mostly for beginners already starting in Upland. If you have never played Upland and would like to try, then please;
Check out Upland, the virtual property trading game.
If you use this link, Upland will award you with a bonus for your first purchase.