Time To Answer The Question

This thought has been pondering on my mind for the last 8 years. Why do they attack cryptocurrency, Bitcoin with a passion? Could it be they know they have no power or authority? No, their egos have fully engulfed their brains by now. Could it be they fear the loss of control? This would have to be the answer. The simplest answer is usually the solution.

They know the actual constitution prevents them from making any law that violates our individual ability to live happy. The truth of the matter is they are hoping you are to stupid to know this. What happens if the majority of people wake up? What happens if the majority of people actually change over to alternative currency?

Would it strike a major blow to them if businesses accept alternative currency? Are there not quite a few businesses accepting cryptocurrency as a payment already? The more they try to write articles stating that legislation will ban it, the more people will use it because legislation has no power over the people.

Would it surprise you that many people have already adapted to alternative currency? Would it surprise you that many do not even care about the fiat currency in their home? Do you know they have embraced freedom and refuse to give into false lies? Do you know they now have actual goals, and have achieved more with alternative currency, than they have all their life with the phony fiat?

What if I told you that control was the design of the Private Western Central Bank? What if I told you they only care about their agendas? Would it surprise you to know that they steal your money everyday? Did you know the IRS is not Government, and only a morion would think it was? Do you know the IRS has no legal authority? Did you know they were only put in place to steal your wealth?

In conclusion, I guess there is only one more question to ask, Would you rather be free, or would you rather be a slave?