The Way to Financial Freedom: Believes and how they limit us.

By definition, it is the state of mind in which an individual assumes true the knowledge or experience he has about an event or thing.

In simpler words, is an idea or thought that is assumed to be true.

The experiences we acquire in life give us points of view about things, and make us value them positively or negatively.

But how do your beliefs affect money?

Well in everything. Remember that all has to be created first in the mind before in the material world.

The greatest enemy when it comes to achieving our goals is ourselves. The mental barriers that we have built throughout a life, assure us that we do certain things because "this is how we are" and "we cannot avoid it".

We have many limiting beliefs that affect our purpose, our performance, our business, and ultimately our live quality. And we end up blaming politicians, the system, or our parents for our problems.

Even in the most adverse situations, a person with the proper mindset will and succeed. The rest will be left wondering how he did it, and surely many will be quick to say that he dishonestly succeeded (here's a deeply held limiting belief).

"Money makes bad people".

Or "the rich are bad people", or "I am poor but honest".

They all talk about the same thing, money is bad. In the words of some "a necessary evil" even.

And if money (subconsciously) is bad for you, how do you hope to be rich someday?

Deep inside your mind you believe you will have to become a petty person to be rich, someone ruthless and without principles.

Nothing further from the truth: money does not make the person, and there is no need to "take it from the poor" to be rich because there will always be more money (all the time more is printed, more digital assets are created, etc.)

The money enhances our desires and also accelerates them. If your personality is petty "by nature", of course it will be even more with money.

But what money really is, and how we should approach at it, we will be talking next time.

To be continued ...

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