"The Perfect Storm For Disaster". Is The Great Awakening Here, What Part Does Bitcoin Play For This Matter?

A rebellion might be days, if not weeks away in America, says the CEO of one of the world’s largest doomsday bunker builders for the elitists. The rebellion shall come from the ones being ruled towards the ones ruling, for the manner they have on rulling...

Do people, across the world, not just the US, have the reasons for rebellions? I'd say, hell yeah. Does that mean it has to be a violent one? No it hasn't, we just have to become non compliant and that's enough to scare the elites.

These guys are not having "the biggest balls" on this planet, they just have almost all the money and some sick minds to play with. I read about such bunkers probably 15 years ago, as I read about a world government, world religion and world digital currency, and I couldn't figure out at that moment how is all gonna play out for neither of those theories.

Just taking into account the supply shortages most of the developed countries are facing, combined with inflation, prices that are skyrocketing to essential goods, add to that a man made pandemic and a vaccine that's more than suspicious blended with vaccine mandates, poor personal economies and a lot of jobs lost and fire is about to get started.

You can literally feel it in the air. It's too much tension, and it's between us as well, not just coming from these elites. The idea though is that they've probably prepared themselves for what's to come, which potentially could be world hunger, riots and turned down governments all over the world. It's all suppositions, but the level of absurdity coming from the elites dictating our lives is insane.

What part could Bitcoin and blockchain technology play for such a scenario?

Exactly the one it has been designed for. Regaining people's trust in governance systems(not necessarily "human based"), financial freedom and true ownership, transparency and the right to live free. We are no longer free at all, I don't even know if we were born free. At least in my country, my parents lived in communism, I was born three years before it was taken down, by the elites of course, spent most of my life in this country from where emigration was not an option for many years, and so on...

Freedoms and liberties are mostly on papers. They pretty much don't exist in real life anymore. Oh, and I almost forgot, I was reading a few days ago that these supply shortages, of the goods that should end on supermarkets shelves, are somehow intentionally caused. Most of the main ports in the US are not even using their cranes at high capacity. It's all intentionally created...

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but why the hell is Bill Gates building bunkers like a mad man, while he's also one of the most aggressive proponents of these damn vaccines. The puzzle pieces are being laid down as we speak and sooner than later the masses are going to be awaken, that's when these parasites will have to use these damn bunkers.

"The more globalized" one country is the harder it will be able to survive such a potential scenario. Do you think that they've created this globalist system for our own benefit and liberties? They're all tied with each other and it's all part of a long process. The division process is a decades old long one and it's no wonder they're coming mostly after small businesses and the middle class lately.

You can't enslave them "properly" when they got options... I don't know exactly how crypto is going to "save us", but it's pretty much the only thing making sense right now, aside from planting and growing your own food and having access to clean water. Hope all of the above is nothing more but conspiracy theories and every one of you will be laughing at me, two or three years from now...

Thanks for attention,

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