The mass adoption of cryptocurrencies

Until now we have seen how much the crypto world and its users have been growing all these years.

And in this 2020 the use and development of crypto in multiple facets has intensified. Despite this, there are still sectors that resist its adoption, whether due to fear, aversion, lack of faith or ignorance. The truth is that this "non-cryptographic" sector is very large, which gives it some power.

When predictions are made about cryptocurrencies, their markets and projects; their implementation and use, as they vary and develop, I think they are made on the basis of actual and current use with a view to a hypothetical future with a certain sense.


But, what will happen when the adoption and use of crypto is total?

Going from phased use as we currently experience, to mass adoption, could cause worthless coins to reach unimaginable values ??simply by full support from new users. Or projects that could have an important and beneficial use for all, will end up failing for not receiving the support of the "mass". These examples that I have put, obviously, are hypothetical but perfectly real and that sometimes they are provoked and influenced by the interests of third parties.


My opinion is that the 100% adoption of the cryptocurrency worldwide can significantly influence the future and development of many of the currencies. Sooner or later it will be real and only at that moment it will be seen what happens