The Facts About Cryptocurrencies. Why Turkey's Central Bank Ban Crypto Payments ? Must Read. The Technological Chain of Happine

Turkey is a southeastern European country with a population of 80 million people and an area of 783 thousand square kilometers. Turkey is a big and influential developed economy with the 17th largest nominal GDP and has a leading position in exports of such goods as agricultural products, vehicles, construction materials and consumer electronics.

There is a serious shortage of foreign exchange in Turkey. It is said that the reserves of the Central Bank are minus 63 billion dollars. With these rumors, the opposition "Where is 128 billion dollars?" campaign started. I really have to ask where is this 128 billion dollars? Who stole the money?

Let's try to find the answer to the question together. Before we can answer the question, we simply need to know how the global financial system works.

As everyone knows, the world's reserve currency is the US dollar. International trade is mostly made in dollars. The institution that adjusts the dollar emission, that is, the amount of dollars in the market, is The Federal Reserve System (The Central Bank of The United States American)  (FED)

The FED is a private institution not owned by The United States of America, in which eight famous families share their shares. The power to print dollars is the monopoly of these families. The 35th president of the USA, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated as a result of the enactment of a law that transferred the authority to issue money to the treasury. After he was eliminated, power was transferred to the FED again.

How Does the Dollar Print? Can the FED Print Unpaid Money?

The US Federal Government issues government bonds with a commitment to pay a certain interest rate to the FED whenever the money is needed. The FED prints the dollar needed by the UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in return for this debt certificate and transfers it to the treasury as a banknote or as a loan. Thus, the dollar is created out of thin air. In this game, the dollar is not printed for unpaid, it looks like it is printed for debt from the Federal Government. This is called a debt economy.

The US Federal Government's debt in 2008 was approximately $ 10 trillion. Its current debt is $ 28.2 trillion. The FED minted 18.2 trillion dollars in 13 years, only for the debt of the USA. The monetary expansion started with the real estate crisis in 2008 and the bankruptcy of the major investment bank Lehman Brothers. The FED started to constantly print money to save the financial institutions and companies that failed. With the coronavirus epidemic, this monetary expansion process increasingly continued. Most recently, Joe Biden announced another $ 1.9 trillion economic support package to rebuild the country and fight the coronavirus after he was elected president. With this package, the US debt ceiling will rise to $ 30.1 trillion. In other words, compared to 2008, the amount of dollars released against the US borrowing is 20.1 trillion.

Normally, printing money of this scale would cause the value of the money to weaken due to the devaluation effect and the dollar to lose its feature of being the world reserve currency. But it didn't happen. The dollar is still the strongest currency in the world. Why is that?

The Technological Chain of Happiness Established by Large Families

Bitcoin, the world's first crypto currency, was launched on January 03, 2009. Using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto; Someone or someone who is not known who and where he came from had invented this money system. After that, other cryptocurrencies emerged. Currently, there are over 9 thousand cryptocurrencies on the market. Almost all of them have been invented by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. Let's continue with the strongest bitcoin.

The total value of rapidly growing Bitcoin was $ 1.2 billion in 2013. This figure reached $ 183 billion in mid-2020. After Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, announced to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on February 8 that he bought $ 1.5 billion in Bitcoin in January 2021, Bitcoin suddenly gained 14% in value, reaching $ 43,968. Elon Musk earned $ 1 billion from this operation. Now, the value of 1 Bitcoin is around $ 54.3 thousand. As a result of the statements made by the central bank about crypto currencies, Bitcoin fell to these points from 64 thousand dollars in a few days. When Bitcoin first came out, 10 thousand Bitcoins could only buy a pizza, now consider the value it reached. Advertising and enthusiastic moves by famous people like Elon Musk led everyone to the crypto money market. The amount of money the market withdraws is increasing geometrically. Perhaps the cryptocurrency market has surpassed trillion dollars nowadays.

Crypto Coins New Tool To Control Dollar Emission

Families who owned the FED were able to constantly earn money from their transactions by using the financial institutions in their hands, driving the dollar to the world market like a suction pump and then withdrawing it as debt, and at the same time, they were able to maintain the value of the dollar because they always withdrew the money. It would not have been possible to withdraw the abnormal amount of dollars they pressed to recover the debt-based economic system that collapsed after the 2008 real estate crisis, by the available tools. The financial bubble was blown and was about to burst. It was necessary to save time to stop the collapse of the system and switch to a new system. Just at this time, crypto money was invented. Interesting isn't it?

US Fed Building. Source: EERN-Euro Exchange Rate News

Crypto coins can withdraw the dollar put into the market by the FED in a much larger amount and much faster than other tools. Moreover, it can do this outside the control of states. More importantly, there is no risk in this business. Because crypto coins are a kind of happiness chain or instruments of the "ponzi game" as they are called in the literature. Crypto money has no equivalent. The supply and demand conditions in the market determine the value of cryptocurrencies. When the demand increases, its price increases, when it falls, the price decreases.

Chain of Happiness - Ponzi Game

The Ponzi Game is a fraudulent method that aims to add investors to the system by pretending to be a high-profit production, and where the first investment is paid with the money of those who join the system later. Tosuncuk (Mehmet Ayd?n), the founder of "Ciftlik Bank", slapped tens of thousands of people with this method. In the crypto money game where we know who is behind the scenes, this work is done globally and much more professionally. Many economics professors around the world have suggested that cryptocurrencies are a kind of ponzi game. However, in 2014, reports by both the World Bank and the Swiss Federal Council examined concerns over Bitcoin and the Ponzi Game and concluded that Bitcoin is not the Ponzi Game. Which families are in control of the World Bank and banks in Switzerland?

Crypto coins are shown as a very profitable investment tool. In this way, the savings of many people all over the world are directed to this channel. Thus, as the cryptocurrency market swells, it swells. But if one day a significant number of investors want to sell their Bitcoins and exit the market, the value of Bitcoin will immediately become waste. While 1 Bitcoin is worth $ 56.720 Thousand today, its value may drop to $ 1 the next day. When you invest your savings in instruments such as gold, foreign currency or the stock market, they have a counterpart and are subject to certain regulations under state control. But cryptocurrencies are not like that. If this system crashes, you will not be able to find anyone to ask for an account.

There are hundreds of sites that allow cryptocurrency exchange over the Internet. For example, one of them, Coinbase, has 43 million users. People invest their savings in cryptocurrencies through these brokerage firms. Some families who own cryptocurrencies as well as the FED are withdrawing abnormal amounts of US dollars from the market with this method, investing in the real sector with the money they collect, buying gold, land or companies or establishing new companies such as SpaceX. When you want your money back, they will refund you 1 dollar.

We Are Sinking The Economy By Importing Cryptocurrencies

Worst of all, this game collapses the economies of medium and small-scale states. If people invest their savings in their own country by depositing them in banks, buying stocks or government bonds from stock exchanges, the money will remain in that country's economy and the savings will be given to other investors as loans and the wheels of the economy will turn. However, investment in cryptocurrencies is converted into dollars from within the country, transferred abroad through brokerage houses such as COINBASE and Binance, and enters into the coffers of some families as free loans.

Turkey is coming in fourth after Nigeria, Vietnam and the Philippines in the rankings world crypto-currency countries that use the most  .  While developed countries stay away from uncertainty, third world countries are blindly immersed in this trap. In the past, people transferred their savings to cryptocurrencies to avoid high inflation in Argentina and for fear that the government could seize savings in the bank. During the financial crisis in the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus in 2012-2013, people turned to cryptocurrencies with the same concerns. A similar situation in Turkey is experiencing the last few years.

Another reason for the rush to get rich dream of being a crypto-currency in Turkey. There are young people who quit their jobs for this cause. They spend all their time dreaming of buying a computer and mining cryptocurrencies at home and catching a cryptocurrency that will soon grow 20 times and become rich. The most important thing for crypto money mining is to have a computer and a good video card. As the whole world, Turkey also currently out of stock situation, graphics cards shortage has already reached serious proportions.

The answer to the question of where is 128 billion dollars lies here. Crypto currency attack, caused the dollar quickly withdraw from Turkey. Money flight abroad from a country's economy creates serious economic difficulties. Turkey gives constant foreign trade deficit. The value of the goods we sell does not meet those we import. That's why we constantly borrow money. The most important item of the foreign trade deficit is natural gas and oil imports. We import natural gas and oil and give dollars; however, the fuel we import does something; it enables our cars and factories to work. However, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin that we import from abroad have no contribution to the economy. On the contrary, they create a devastating effect as they cause unrequited foreign currency outflow from the country. In recent years, Turkey is experiencing a downturn due to the currency exchange mechanism.

Think of your currency as a commodity. Its price varies according to the supply and demand balance in the market. The higher the demand, the higher the price. As the dollar rises too much will reduce the purchasing power of the people, it returns to governments as a political bill. Governments also want to avoid paying this political bill and constantly control the value of foreign currency in order to win the next election. The remedy for this is to keep the price of the currency low by eliminating the hunger in the market by selling foreign currency from the Central Bank. The Central Bank of Turkey in this process to work, consumed by selling foreign currency resources. It is a great mistake for the government to continue this process long enough to drain the resource.

On the other hand, this is also a reality; The supporters, who received information from inside the government's interventions in the market, gained unfair gain by taking positions beforehand. But the money they slapped remains tiny compared to the $ 128 billion that melts. Of course, the account of unfair earnings should be asked until the end. But criticizing the Treasury's restrictions on payments made with cryptocurrencies and asking “Who did you consult the crypto decision, oh government” is the biggest mistake an opposition can make when calling itself a “left”. The state has to take the toughest measures on cryptocurrencies. But for the government to take such decisions, the opposition needs to be supported. The main task of the opposition is to reveal who stole 128 billion dollars. Otherwise, the political struggle with slogans will not bring power.

Affecting Agents

Now we come to the most critical point. Who stole $ 128 billion? Open YouTube, type "money" into the search engine. Take good care of the men lined up side by side like menemen's testicles in those programs. Most of them are effect agents. For some reason, these agents of influence always come from the "White Turks". There is an impact agent that appeals to all segments of society. Some are Islamists, occasionally reading verses from the Quran. Some are astrologers, they make economic analyzes by looking at the stars. Some are professors, studied electrical and electronics engineering, but he is the head of a center related to finance, but he advises the state not to take drastic measures that will kill the crypto money.

Izmir-Menemen Jugs lined side by side. Source: Pinterest

According to these effect agents; “Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies were a freedom movement! It was born as a reaction to the 2008 economic crisis! Who are the central banks, the states! They were printing money and robbing the nation! This power was taken from them and given to the citizens with crypto money! "

It's as if they don't know that families like Rothschild and Rockefeller are behind the "cashless community movement"! The owner of the FED is the same families that own cryptocurrencies. These influencers, as if they were against global barons, constantly send a subliminal message in their YouTube programs, saying that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are an inevitable end. These messages have had such an impact on the society that cafeterias in cities that accept Bitcoin payments have appeared on the market.

It is these agents of influence that get everyone on this train and steal their money.

The Great Reset

Today, all states, companies, institutions, individuals in the world, especially the USA, in short, everyone is in debt. Everyone's debt; to a few families who have a monopoly of creating money. These families were able to rule the world with the yoke of debt. But the monetary system established after the Second World War is about to collapse. If they cannot establish a new monetary system, this system will collapse. When governments decide not to pay their debt or the dollar collapses, most of these families' wealth will disappear, leaving only the gold they have saved, the land they have bought, and the companies. The new system designed by these families in order not to miss the world management is based on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. With this method, they now plan to rule the people directly by eliminating the states. This is what they call

"The Great Reset".


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