The Establishment Is Scared, So They Are Here On PublishOx Pushing Lies, And Misinformation...

I am 45 years old, and have had to personally deal with the deadbeat establishment since I turned 18.

They are self-righteous tyrant's who don't believe people can manage themselves. They stick their noses in your personal life and demand respect. 

Yes, benevolent rulers, you know best, and deserve unquestioned obedience, and please tell me how to live because I can't seem to be able to navigate any aspect of life...

If this is how you think, then leave the crypto world, and submit yourself to your overlords. Because of course crypto is risky. Because being your own boss/bank/ whatever you believe you can be, is too difficult, and someone else should make your decisions for you.

There is a "person" here who is not very intelligent and spreads misinformation because this is an open platform. This individual is a boot kissing conformist.

Why is this bad for the platform? Because in the comment section of a post, at least one person was believing this idiots lie, and admitted they were new to crypto.

I won't go any further, but will leave with this...

Use critical thinking skills. Be your own boss, be your own bank. But DO... YOUR... OWN... RESEARCH!!!
