The central bank system is imploding...cryptocurrency protects the individual.

A very true statement once was said, “Technology is there to liberate the individual.” This statement is more true now than ever before. Right in front of our eyes, the Private Western Central Bank, for the first time in a long time, is fully exposed. They create currency out of thin air and use crisis to safe guard their illusion of a system.


What you must truly realize is that the prices are not going up, that is OXYMORON thinking, rather the true value of the Federal Reserve Note is declining faster than we have ever seen before. Let me give you just a few examples.


American Airlines


American Airlines have requested that their corporate employees volunteer to work for the summer surge in Dallas, TX. The article can be found here:


One question to those not thinking. Are the prices of the airline tickets lower? The problem is simple, there is so much worthless Federal Reserve Notes circulating through the world they can not stop the rapid devaluation of the currency. This article is written on June 8, 2021. The Private Western Central Bank is desperate to keep this illusion going.


Gas Prices Soar


With the ever increasing devaluation of the Federal Reserve Note, the gas prices will also increase. This means you will be spending more than what you spent only 1 year ago. This image shows the price in San Diego, CA. You can view the article written on June 7, 2021 here:


Food Prices Soar World Wide


In this article of June 2021, since the Federal Reserve Note is the world currency, it is effecting all stores world wide. The cost of one of human’s basic needs are rising off of the charts because the devaluation is on a massive scale. Read the article here:


In conclusion, making the change now to cryptocurrency will only allow you as an individual to protect your wealth. This is entirely up to you as an individual. The question now is this; Do you want to be one of the individuals that have taken the necessary steps to protect themselves and their loved ones, or will you be one of the individuals scrambling when this system goes bust?