The Bumpstock Ban

Bumpstocks may have just been "toys" and "not for real shooters or gun enthusiasts", however the ban of bumpstocks should never have been dismissed as a nonissue.

The ATF, under Donald Trump, reassessed their definition of a machine gun and came to the conclusion that it means that a plastic bumpstock, even if detached from a firearm, constitutes a complete operable machine gun. Thereby banning them using existing legislation, without congress so much as writing a bill. Here is that definition: "Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger."

Bumpstocks do not fire multiple rounds by a single function of the trigger, they simply allow someone to more easily slidefire or bumpfire. Slidefiring or bumpfiring is simply holding a firearm in such a way that it moves with recoil relative to you trigger finger while applying forward pressure to slide the whole gun back and forth, so that the trigger slides or bumps into your stationary finger. One can do this with no tools at all and simply practice holding the firearm loosely enough for the recoil to bounce it backwards but with enough forward pressure to repeatedly cycle the gun forwards against one's trigger finger. One can do this from the hip using a belt loop. One can do this with a rubber band. One can do this with a purpose built bumpstock attached.

So, rubber bands, belt loops, and your body can all be considered a machine gun.

Fun right? Well the Biden administration is similarly trying to ban 80% lower receivers, pistol braces, binary triggers, cranks to operate triggers, etc. All by reinterpreting the definitions of receivers, short barrelled rifles and machine guns.

Publish0x is big on cryptos (that is what brought me here), not so much guns, but I want us all to learn from the gun community.

Don't accept any regulations of cryptos, if you give an inch politicians will take a mile, and then unelected bureaucrats will keep taking more and more every year; even without any new legislation passing.

Once an ATF for cryptos exists, your rights to own cryptos cease to exist. It is a lot harder to cling to digital assets than it is to cling to a physical gun. No one will have to pry your cryptos from your "cold dead hands" they will just subpoena them as a document, data, or information for a trial, or they could get a warrant for them and since they use generalized warrants to take metadata from Verizon they could do the same to everyone's COINBASE accounts, or they could just invoke civil asset forfeiture taking your cryptos for no reason other than the amount is high and looks "crimey" (without charging nor convicting you of any crimes). Luckily we have hardware wallets and cold storage right? Great, but how useful will those be when government is tracking the blockchain and has banned and confiscated the majority of the market's assets that were on app based wallets? Don't think it will happen?

The government literally banned gold ownership during the great depression. How likely do you think it is they will allow for competition if they produce their own government "crypto"?

USD as a digital asset is coming (and is largely already here), the next major crash may be the excuse to pull the trigger and implement a whole new legal tender. I'd wager it would be fully digital and traceable on a government controlled blockchain. They'd keep the Federal Reserve and quantitative easing though.

Don't flood the market with your cryptos by selling them off in a panic. I am not an expert, by any means, and I am not trying to scare you. I just am saying do not cozy up to the government and demand regulations, just because Elon Musk can change values for his own benefit with a single tweet. You can change values with your tweets. You have the same power. Don't give it up and hand over a freedom to the government.

Use your power as a consumer. Demand cryptos be accepted by Amazon, Walmart, Target, Kmart, Kroger, Stop and Shop, Food Lion, Home Depot, Lowes, Costco, UPS, FedEx, lumberyards, pharmacies, health insurance, retirement funds, etc. teach local businesses how to accept cryptos. Tweet about it, tag the big companies, put the pressure on. You are in on the ground floor and if you can pressure any of these businesses to accept cryptos then you will accomplish two great things:

- You will increase the value of cryptos you hold.

-You will inoculate cryptos from undo regulation. Government will not rob corporate America, but it will rob you.

Keep your individuality. Keep your freedoms.

Fight against any and all regulations of cryptos.

Fight against any and all regulations of guns. Get some gun training, if you don't have any yet, then get yourself a gun. It is worth it to put pressure on government to limit it's scope and control of our lives.

Fight on all fronts, or lose ground and lose liberty.