The boy and the devil (a fiction blog series pt 2)




He paced back and forth the corridor. He could  still hear Sean’s faint shuffling inside the room, his Movements had become less over time. He could hear her heartbeat and the small puffs of breath she took in, she was shaking, and she was in pain. He was never one to truly care for someone, no, he had promised himself a long time ago when they all died that he would never care for anyone. After all, only week humans cared.

The door slowly creaked open  revealing a tall dark man with blood covered hands, his elegant white butler’s shirt was rolled up to the hilt of his hand with splotches of red here and there.


“How is she” Adam asked, his voice echoing across the old manor’s hall.

“She’s going to be okay master she’ll survive.”

Adam let out a sigh of relief that he didn’t know he was holding.  Could it be that he actually cared for the nosy Therapist? Could she really be…?  No! He shook his head as if to banish the awful idea from his head, After all, his hope for love died when she died, when she truly died.

“Master there’s also something that you need to know about.” Sean said as he shifted his weight to his other foot while trying to adjust his glasses with the base of his left wrist that wasn’t fully covered with blood.

“What is it?”

“She… ummm… Miss Hawthorn has… She…..She…”Sean stammered making Adam more agitated.

Sean wasn’t  a man who lost his words, come to think of it Adam only saw his faithful friend like this only twice in his life, once when he had informed him of Masters death and the second time was when he had returned to Amber City with the news of her Death, both times his world collapsed.

“Speak Arminius or I shall cast you into the pit of Abadan for all eternity!” he warned, his voice shaking with despair and fear of not being able to handle the  anticipation any longer, it was torture, agonizing pain not knowing what was wrong with the therapist, His Genesis. He closed the space between him and His Slave and let out an animalistic growl from deep within his chest, a growl as loud and vicious that the hanging chandelier above them quaked with fear. proving that he did mean every word that he had just said.


“Ma..Ma…Master Miss Hawthorn, She has a Rune on her…. Ummm… her chest.”

A human with a rune! He tried to convince himself that that was a lie. But  he had known long before, he had felt her magic the moment she stepped within the gates of Perl Manor, Her sent was radiant, her Ora bright as the sun. it had felt as if he had been sucked back into the past and was with her all over again.


 The fact that it had just been confirmed by the one person he trusts most still came as a shock to him, an absolute shock.


“So she is a Witch.” He half asked half stated.

“No my Lord she.. she.. she has the mark…she has the mark of  a fairy. Umm a seelie rune…umm… the Sun shadow to be precise, I believe that’s why the Ruemac arrow didn’t cause to much damage, because she’s of Noble Blood.


Adam swore that his heart stopped, How can a Therapist from New york Have a Seelie Rune, A Sun Shadow rune?

 The Seelies have barricaded themselves just as he did mourning the loss of their beloved.  No Seelie was allowed to leave the Triad Lands even more so a Seelie of Nobility the Triad would cause chaos unlike any other…


“My Lord she’s awake and is requesting to see you,” Sean voice was a whisper but he had heard him, and without a word he placed his hand on the door knob and let himself into the room.

It was darkly lit, the blinds drawn up with the faint glow of the setting sun to show just how much time had gone by.

The smell of Blood, Medicine, snow and Lavender filled the almost bear room. And there she laid in the bed, the sheets pulled cozily above her torso, her hair a bush of a mess the eye bags now prominent and the caramel hue of her chocolate brown eyes on him, she was okay

She’s okay

“What the Fuck Happened!” She coughed out, her dry throat making her voice sound scratched.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at that and sat on the edge of her bed, another reason why he liked his therapist was how much she made him feel like a boy again. He had found it hard to keep up his appearances in front of her. She was witty, straight to the point and untamed. He loved riling her up sometimes.

“I just asked you why I was shot with an arrow and you’re laughing!”

“Well the Arrow wasn’t for you it was for me. If you were a normal human you’d be dead.”

“Are you kidding me?”  She half screamed her eyebrows furrowing in the manner that he had grown to  know meant a heated debate was about to start.

“You Piece of shit! I got shot in the Arm by an arrow an ARROW! And you are just going to sit there and tell me that it was meant for you!”

“Yes Miss Hawthorn that’s exactly what I said keep up. Now if you don’t mind I’d like to tell you a story.” Adam said, honestly she was quite a handful sometimes.


Genesis gave him a look of shock, she was stunned, nothing else just stunned that this is the life that she will be living, being a therapist to an absolute madman who has a bounty on his head, no wonder he barricades himself inside his manor like a vampire. she thought  of not  backing down and raising  hell by screaming all the profanities that her limited vocabulary can come up with. But that would only make him excited, and her tired. No she’ll let him win this time, after all she can give him a tongue lashing another day.

“Oh well might as well get a bedtime story, guys crazy but he tells good stories”

She thought to herself.

“Fine Tell me a story but it better be a good one.” He gave her a triumphant smile and almost pushed her off the bed as he tried to make space in the bed for him to lie down.

Talk about a creep”


“Alright then, I’m Going to start where all good stories start with a once upon…”

“If you’re are going to tell me a story about a Disney Princess then Forget about it,”

“What’s a Disney Princess?” Genesis silently gazed up at the man lying beside her, he couldn’t possibly not know what a Disney Princess is, But then Again he may have spent all his life in this place and she knew from the amount of times that they had argued over whether or not he needs a TV or the Internet. Yap he really doesn’t  know.

“Never mind” Just tell me the Damn story”

“Okay then, “ Adam Continued, “ Once upon a time There was a boy who  lived in a village, In a time where the world was young, simple and so alive. He was the eldest of Six, Him being the only boy. His Father the Head Hunter of his Village had just Married a new wife and renounced his family.”

“Why would he do that?” Genesis asked tilting her body to look at him, his face only slightly illuminated by the setting sun.

“Patience, should I continue?” Adam Asked putting a gentle hand in her head, gently caressing her raven dark hair.

“As I was saying, His Father had married another woman; unfortunately customs at the time limited him to have only one wife, one soul mate. So of course he had to divorce his wife so that he may wed his new young bride. He went to the village Head and accused his wife of being a witch, and that the children he had with her were actually demons.

‘The wife was Forced out of her house and  Everything that the wife had was then given to the new wife. She of course was banished from the village, together with her children, heartbroken, dejected, she collected what little she had and went to live in the woods.

“That’s awful” she whispered,

“It most certainly is Miss Hawthorn,” he continued.

“The boy seeing how wickedly his father had treated his mother made an oath to himself that he will protect his siblings and mother with his life. He would spend most of his days in the forest hunting for food and when necessary stole, and in the night he, his mother, and siblings would huddle up in the small hut that his mother had made out of tree branches and mud and slept.


‘Seasons passed and the boy became a man and everything was right in the world again, however, every good thing must come to an end. On his twenty fifth year on the world, there was a famine that ravaged the lands. Food was scarce, villagers died. Fear of death makes people unbalanced, desperate and in this case murderers.


‘The Villagers believed that it had been the witch that they had drove from the village who was seeking revenge.

One day as he went to the forest to hunt for food for his family and Game to trade, his home was burnt to ash.”

“What about his family?” Genesis asked her curiosity being picked, Mr. Wild truly had a way with words, and He was a great weaver of stories.

“His Family was dead, He had found his mother’s severed head placed on a spike at the entrance of the village, two of his sisters had been burnt to Death the only indication that it was them was the metal necklace he had made by hand for them when he was but a boy.  Another sister hanged by the willow in the center of the village, and the youngest sister he…. he… he had found pieces of her in the street corner being ravaged by wild dogs, it was a dark time for the boy.”


Genesis’ heart  beat fast, her Heart filled with sorrow for a fictional character, she could feel the grief in Adams Voice as he spoke, She felt it pierce and connect with something deep inside of her,

“The only thing the boy could do was cry, and he did, for a while that is, then he collected the remains of his family, and dug graves for them and for himself as well, after he buried them he laid in his own grave and plunged the dagger that his mother had given him when he was a boy into his heart, as he waited for death to take him to his family, he saw a shadow floating above his head. And a voice whispering “live.”


“Then what  happened, Genesis asked, Now straining to see Adam in the Pale  moon light that engulfed her room, she could still see the outline of his face,

“Then he woke up.”

“He woke up?”

“Yes Miss Hawthorn he did wake up. He woke up in a lovely house, with clean clothes and a bed and the Devil beside him.  He had been saved by a beast who granted him eternal youth, powers beyond anything he could have imagined.

‘After a while he returned to the village, not as the boy they once knew but the devil. He burnt down the village and killed every man, woman and child. And as for his father. He ripped the flesh off his bones with his bare hand.

‘He swore after that to never return to the place. He said goodbye to his family’s grave and went away with the Devil to another world.


“Then they lived happily ever after?” she asked, sleep threatening to take her.

“No, then He becomes a King and Falls in Love with a Princess.”

“Okay then He lived Happily Ever After?” She asked Again

“No, then His Master Died, Then His Queen Dies then… Then…. Then he died.”

There was a brief moment of silence as Genesis tried to come to terms with the abrupt ending of the story.

“So that’s the happy story?.”

“I never said it was a happy one Miss Hawthorne.” Adam Said as he stood up and slowly edged himself towards the window, “Go to Sleep Miss Hawthorn.”


And she did.


BLOOD AND SNOW: (A Fiction Blog Series )






Thank you for making it to the end of this! I know it's short but its just the beginning

If you liked it be sure to give me a follow because I'll be posting the second part really soon.

Also Feel free to Tip me! it really motivates me.

I've also opened a blog section for this story, I'm committed to finishing it.

The blog is called BLOOD AND SNOW you can find it on my page or click the link above. it will contain all the parts of the story .

I'll also be writing some short stories and new stories as well so if you'd want more options.