The Bitboy Graham Stephan Interview

Yeah, I watched it so you don't have to. And if you're new to crypto, you absolutely should not watch this. It will only confuse you and cause you to lose money.

So the first thing that Bitboy says in his intro of Graham is "he dabbled a little bit in cryptocurrency; made some bitcoin videos..." how does dabbled engender any sort of confidence? Why again should anyone watch this? This is Youtube viewshit at its finest.

Stephan said "he would not feel comfortable keeping more than 20%" of his money in crypto. Little bit of alpha for ya. There was another interview that Stephan did with Mr. Wonderful where Stephan admitted he got into real estate using speculative strategies that irritated Mr. Wonderful, who was talking conservative, smart money strategies. News flash. Smart money conservative strategies only work when you already have money. Stephan telling you to keep only 20% of your money in crypto means he's stepped into Mr. Wonderful's shoes. He's the conservative guy with money now and doesn't even know it.

Warren Buffett does the same thing. He made his money using quite progressive strategies in his youth. He is now the epitome of the so-called "value investor." Don't believe him. His old guy strategy doesn't work for young guys, and he wasn't doing old guy strategies when he was young.

Stephan is also a bear signal for Ethereum. He said that he split his crypto stack 60/40 and didn't like Cardano. Why? Because Nano didn't perform back in 2017. Of course you don't invest in things you don't follow, dumbass. He rode Nano from $1.50 to $37 and rode it all the way back down like a moron. I put my money where my mouth was on this one. I moved some of my ETH to BTC because I don't want to invest in crypto in the same way as the cryptoidiot Stephan.

There's nothing that Stephan says about crypto that even remotely makes sense. The good stuff in this interview came in Graham's macro analysis. This was actually interesting.

The long and short of it was that Graham didn't expect hyperinflation, which is the big narrative in crypto. He said that he sees inflation in assets, but not in goods and services. I tend to agree with this, and I don't think we'll see hyperinflation in G&S. But not for the same reason Graham thinks.

First of all, we don't need hyperinflation to reach 6-digit bitcoin or growth of the blockchain industry. We're going to get there because the tech is just so much more disruptive, and now big financial institutions recognize that. Their money will pump your bags. Inflation is a cherry. In September after the first defi crash, I remember when that fucking idiot Elliotrades was pushing the line that "we need stimulus for another pump." Lies. He was covering his ass because his bullshit calls in Riodefi and Mantra Dao went 0.1x. So don't believe anyone who says we need hyperinflation for a price bump. The intellectual capital in crypto is the price bump.

I don't think we'll ever get huge inflation in G&S because of the commoditization of commodities, if you will. Bill Gates buying up all the farmland is no coincidence. We would get hyperinflation, but all of the necessities of life are being centralized more and more. And just like Coinbase, what do you get with hypercentralized service? Lower fees and faster service, but you're missing key elements, you have no say, and the overall quality of your choices is much lower. That will be the future of G&S. Your quality of life is going down if you are not in the luxury quadrant. This will be especially true in the United States.

Some of the things he said, however, allowed me to pinpoint when the bull market will stop more accurately. The bear market in crypto will correspond to the full reopening of the US economy. People will move crypto gains into hard assets. So I'm much less married to a month to end the bull market and more looking for a situation. When COVID subsides in the US, crypto's #1 speculation market, and the economy opens back up for real estate and other big assets, that's when we'll see money flow out. This could be in September, or it could be in 2022. But right now, big business has to follow yield. They'll get that yield in crypto and flip it into hard assets when the economy opens back up.

So watch real estate prices and interest rates and new home buys. When Graham starts putting up videos about looking to buy real estate again, that's a bear signal for the crypto market.

Bottom line — Bitboy and Graham Stephan are two idiots who got lucky. Do not listen to these morons, not even for entertainment purposes, unless you know what you're listening for.



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar