Starting the adventure with cryptocurrency exchanges - what you should know.

Today I would like to compare which stock market is the best and takes 1 place in the ranking in 2020. Describe what users think about these exchanges. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these exchanges and are there other things one should think about to add them to the ranking.

According to GWP Info Zone, the following stock exchanges are very popular:

At present, more and more is being heard about BTC and other cryptocurrencies, and the possibilities of making money on cryptocurrencies. However, what are they really and how do they work? What to look out for before investing? Is it 100% safe?

What are cryptocurrency exchanges?

Stock exchanges are websites where we can buy or sell cryptocurrencies. Users are beginning to be supplied with more and more tools to sell or buy crypto-currency to help them. The exchange can be done in two ways:

• Purchase from the stock exchange,

• Direct purchase from sellers (less secure)

Direct purchase is the purchase of a direct digital currency from the exchange. You don't need any outsiders. The principle of this method is very simple - a traditional currency is taken from the investor's account, then it is exchanged for its digital form. However, it should be remembered that this type of purchase is subject to increased handling fees. A slightly cheaper form of trading on the stock exchange is exchange between contractors. The bid may be submitted in the form of an order or auction. The seller issues his order and waits for someone to buy it at a given course.

Cryptocurrency exchanges - how do they work?

Thanks to cryptocurrency exchanges, you can buy and sell digital currencies. They operate in a similar way to traditional stock exchanges. The only difference is that investors on the WSE buy and sell assets, derivatives and auctions to profit from their exchange rate changes. In contrast, on cryptocurrency exchanges, traders use cryptocurrency pairs to profit from highly variable exchange rates. The cryptocurrency exchange sets the price (tokens and coins) and the price of the cryptocurrency depends primarily on the actions and interests of buyers and sellers. The exchange rate on cryptocurrency exchanges is determined based on the market situation. The differences between the values ??of virtual currencies on given exchanges can sometimes be very large. However, differences of several percent are a completely natural phenomenon, resulting from the lack of an overarching authority regulating the cryptocurrency market. Ranking of cryptocurrency exchanges The most popular cryptocurrency exchanges on the market are primarily: Bitbay, Binance, Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken and Coinbase. Poland has also entered the cryptocurrency market like almost all other countries. Some examples of Polish stock exchanges are: CoinDeal, Tokeneo, Exmo, CoinRoom and BitBay.

What does the ranking of the most popular and most frequently chosen exchanges on the market look like?

Binance is usually first, which is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world when it comes to the number of trading volumes. Changpeng Zhao founded it in 2017. What's next? Poloniex belongs to one of the oldest and most popular American cryptocurrency exchanges. The COINBASE exchange has been operating since 2012 and its initiators were Brian Amstrong and Fred Ehrsam. This platform is primarily used to sell, buy and store digital assets. The BITMEX exchange is characterized by a large volume, offering direct trading only on Bitcoin.

Crypto personalities: Changpeng Zhao (CZ) - Founder of Binance.

Changpeng Zhao, who runs CZ, is the founder and CEO of Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange that has become the world's largest in less than 180 days. A Chinese-Canadian programmer cut his teeth by building high-frequency trading systems for Wall Street flash boys. Due to the cryptographic bear market, Binance's quarterly profit fell from USD 150 million at the beginning of 2018 to around USD 50 million at the end of the year. BINANCE is the largest crypto exchange in the world, with a daily trading volume of USD 500 million at the beginning of 2019. Apparently, it has a 25% market share. Customers pay Binance in cryptocurrencies, not cash.

Cryptocurrency exchange - how to start your adventure?

What to look out for before you start trading on the cryptocurrency market? Before investing in the cryptocurrency market, you should first remember to maximize your knowledge in this area. Before you change currency, you need to check some important facts, such as:

Fees for using the cryptocurrency exchange Mostly on the websites of stock exchanges you can find all information about fees that investors must pay. However, before we register on the exchange's website, we should be aware of all transaction, withdrawal or deposit fees. They can be completely different on each stock exchange, so it is also worth comparing them in a few places, e.g. our ranking of cryptocurrency exchanges, to choose the best solution for yourself. Reputation It is a good idea to invest on exchanges where user reviews have been placed. On the forums of exchanges, you can also ask any questions, thanks to which we will acquire a broader knowledge of the mechanism of action.

Payment methods on cryptocurrency exchanges.

It's good to know what payment methods the exchange offers - whether it's a transfer, PayPal or credit card. You should know that buying a cryptocurrency by a credit card always requires identity verification, which increases the transaction price. There is also a greater risk of fraud, higher litigation and transaction fees. In turn, buying a cryptocurrency through a transfer takes much longer because it requires posting by the bank account operator. Geographic restrictions Certain tools on the cryptocurrency exchanges page are available only for specific countries. Before registering on the site, it is worth knowing that the selected exchange provides access to all useful tools and functions of the platform in the country in which we live.

Cryptocurrency exchange rate.

Exchanges operating on the market differ in rates. Comparing them in given stock exchanges can save a lot. Prices can fluctuate up to 10%, so it is worth comparing many exchanges and establishing an individual action plan. Requirements for verification on the cryptocurrency exchange Usually, transaction platforms require some form of identity verification to make deposits and withdrawals (information on which exchanges how users verify can be found in our cryptocurrency exchange ranking). Verification sometimes takes a few days, but it protects well against all sorts of scams. It should be remembered that on cryptocurrency exchanges, the most important thing is to ensure security. It's often about big money.