SOTU Speech: Donald Trump Predicts Bullish Trend for US Economy

President Trump’s State of the Union address was more of an emotional appeal than a pragmatic address to the nation. As the Senate is likely to vote on his impeachment soon, his address hinted at his confidence in staying in the office.

The address triggered varied reactions in the house, but it never had bipartisan support. The first partisan event happened when Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, extended her hand for greeting President Trump, and Trump ignored her. During the address in many instances, republicans were cheering, whereas Democrats were unresponsive. As soon as Trump’s speech ended, Nancy was seen on TV ripping apart the pages that had Trump’s speech.

President Trump, however, didn’t let the whole speech go in political stunts. He gave Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh and thanked him for his years of love and devotion for the country.

Some of the moments that got bipartisan support include welcoming the leader of the opposition of Venezuela and the rightful leader of the country, Juan Guaido. He managed to fetch bipartisan applause. An emotional reunion of a military man with his family was another likewise moment.

On the economic front, Trump started being defensive. He said that he had received the American economy in worse condition, and he ensured that the economy flourished. He tried really hard to downplay the efforts of his predecessor and said, “We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago, and we are never, ever going back.”

Trump gave a bullish note on the American economy and tried convincing the voters that many more improvements can happen in the coming years. Explaining his vision, he said, “The vision I will lay out this evening demonstrates how we are building the world’s most prosperous and inclusive society — one where every citizen can join in America’s unparalleled success, and where every community can take part in America’s extraordinary rise.”

He also said that he would do everything in his capacity to prevent the country’s healthcare system from collapsing by a socialist regime takeover. He tried conveying the strong message to the Americans that he would never let socialism perish Healthcare of the United States.

President Trump didn’t forget to laud his administration’s efforts in inking trade deals with a mighty trade partner China and Northern American nations. He also talked about the newly established Space Force military branch in volume.

As per many viewers, President Trump did just right in convincing his voters for another term. However, it should be noted that he is the third President to face impeachment in American history.

As per White House sources, Trump has been engaged in preparing the speech for over a week. He was aided by a group of speechwriters who sought recommendations from various administrators across the nation.

Following the little disagreements at the start of the Speech, Pelosi tweeted a photo of her extending hands for a handshake towards President Trump and wrote Democrats would never stop extending support to the Government to get the job done for the betterment of the people. To this tweet of Pelosi, White House official said, “For such a really big night, she sure behaved pretty small.”