Some dudes may have the (bit)COIN. Me? I want the (bit)KWAN

While many of us are intrigued by this technological revolution, many crypto investors are in it solely for the profit (not that there's anything wrong with that...). The purpose of investing it to make money, after all--or as Gordon Gecko said in Wall Street, greed is good! 

There are many reasons that you may need, desire, or feel you deserve more money. Maybe you have a family to support and there are ants in your brother TP's room. Perhaps you're a valuable commodity who goes down the middle, sees a man coming to kill you, and says: 'get killed, catch the ball. Booya! Touchdown! I make miracles happen!' Perhaps you went to Arizona State and now want the Arizona dollars (I'm a Sundevil, Jerry!). Perhaps your experience investing in crypto thus far has been an up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing siege that you will never fully tell anybody about (after all, talking is only a primitive form of communication...). 

You may have a chip on your shoulder, watching the marquee players getting that sweet dollar. But try to get back to the guy who first started investing in crypto. Think about it, way back. It wasn't just about the money, was it? Was it? Was it?!! 

It's a time to take another lesson from the great Rod Tidwell. Some dudes may have the COIN--they just want crypto to Show Them The Money--but they'll never have the KWAN (looking at you, Bob Sugar!). Rather than just pursue the COIN, we should pursue the KWAN.

What is the Kwan, you say? (What were you doing with your life in the 90's? I respond)

Love. Respect. Community. And the dollars (crypto) too! The entire package. 

Now, I hear that you hear what I'm saying. But do you truly hear what I'm saying?!?!

Be like Rod Tidwell. Help me, Rod. Help me help you!

Play the game with heart and I will show you the KWAN! I am your ambassador of KWAN!