Snowden helps share Tornado Cash developer's plea

I don't think that all too many people in the crypto world even realize that this is going on, let alone realize how important those closing words are: "despite my cooperation with US authorities heavily armed FBI agents raided my home at 6 AM....this legal battle will affect you, this case will set a major precedent for years to come."

This isn't just a US problem neither. Usually in these cases I'm never surprised about the shameless level of fascism authorities enforce because you basically have no privacy, no 'right to be forgotten' online and even have to go through damn near cavity searches just to get on an airplane over there. So US authorities not tolerating the slightest tool that enables it is not all that surprising. The point is Tornado Cash is not a US project, it is an online/Web3 dApp, and its main developer was also arrested all the way in Amsterdam. Do you see the problem we have here?

So big SO to good old Eddy Snowden for helping share this rather crucial development and raising awareness. If anyone fully understands the importance of this it's him.

PS If you do want to donate don't get shocked if you can't. People have already complained about the verification which is necessary of course since he and this case are being watched like a hawk. Or is it being watched by a hawk? More like watched by a bunch of authoritarian vultures if you ask me. Every wrong move thereafter will have prosecutors add like ten charges to their already joke of a ???? trial.