Self-proclaimed Satoshi Claims Autism, Judge Sends Penalties Against Craig Wright

The Kleiman v. Wright case is scheduled to be heard on July 6, 2020, after Judge Beth Bloom ruled against Kleiman's attempt to impose sanctions on Craig Wright, the man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright appears to have claimed that a licensed clinical psychologist diagnosed him with an "autism spectrum disorder with high intellectual skills", so the judge dismissed the charges of sanctions. Justice Bloom noted that it took more than inconsistencies, contradictory statements and suspicion to impose sanctions on Wright's testimony.

Craig Wright and representatives of the Kleiman Estate will meet on July 6, 2020 to begin the trial. The date was already scheduled for July, but recently, the plaintiffs have filed a motion to impose sanctions against the testimony of Wright.

However, Wright responded to the request and claimed that a "licensed clinical psychologist" had declared that he had a form of "autism spectrum disorder". Wright's motion apparently invoked the decision of Justice Beth Bloom to dismiss the sanctions.

"In this context and on the basis of the file presented, [the] complainants did not carry their burden to show that the default sanctions are appropriate," said Bloom. "Instead, they have laid the foundation for a general theme that the defendant, a" billionaire [mathematician], which risks losing billions of dollars in this pursuit "," - "conducted a risk / benefit analysis to determine that counterfeiting and perjury is an "affordable", in fact, "effective" mechanism to fight this case, "added Bloom.

The judge continued:

The evidence and arguments advanced by the complainants in this regard can be used to effectively convince a jury, but they do not establish bad faith by clear and convincing evidence.

The defense against autism may need to be tested in court and the psychologist may be required to testify in order to prove Wright's mental state. This was despite the fact that Kleiman's legal team claimed that Wright's testimony was "perjury and the submission of forged evidence which had previously resulted in the imposition of sanctions against him".

Moreover, the complainants have also said that "lies and false allegations Wright have hampered the discovery" targeted the heart of the partnership Satoshi Nakamoto. ""

However, since Wright provided bitcoin addresses, the sanctions (Rule 37 (c) (1) (B) were only contingent on the defendant not producing his list of bitcoin holdings.

"Since then, he allegedly has done so, subsequent discoveries have been made on this issue, among others, and the determinative and other preliminary motions have been widely exposed. Indeed, the parties have submitted numerous documents containing hundreds of pages of briefings, ”wrote Bloom.

The judge also repeated a quote from Wright's legal team that said:

As the defendant states: "The plaintiffs cannot sit for months, wait for the discovery, and then ask the Court to [punish] [D] efendant because they believe that [D] efendant is not has not produced all the evidence to which they were entitled. "

Both parties are preparing for trial and have filed filing designations. In addition, a witness list was also submitted by Wright's legal team, which mentions individuals like Gavin Andresen, Jimmy Nguyen, Andrew O'Hagan and Brendan Sullivan.

The latest motion that says Wright's mental condition was diagnosed with an "autism spectrum disorder" has also sparked many conversations on social networks and forums related to cryptography.