Russian Crypto News Site Warns it Might Shutdown Amid Ukraine Invasion

One of the oldest crypto news site catering to the Russian market since 2014 has warned it might have to close down following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They say:

“On the night of February 24, the Russian Federation began military operations against Ukraine. A significant part of our team are citizens of Ukraine, so now we are engaged in ensuring the safety of our employees. This may affect the stability of the log.

We call for an end to the bloodshed – this is unacceptable in the 21st century. No war.”

describes itself as “the biggest media outlet about cryptocurrency and blockchain in Russian,” although its primary location is put down as Tallinn, Estonia.

We always assumed it’s a Russian ‘paper’ from Russia as it organizes itself according to Moscow time, but it’s not clear how many of its employees are Russian out of a claimed personnel of up to 50 people which, as crypto is digital, probably work remotely.

“A huge tragedy for two peoples. It is incomprehensible to the mind that the Russian Armed Forces will shoot at the cities of the once united country,” one commentator says.

“This situation causes shock, anger, and disgust. Anger at the grandfather, who was going to destroy the economy and the future of our country for the sake of the imperial ego,” – a reader Alexey says according to a rough translation.

“I’m Russian,” says another before adding: “I am terribly ashamed of our people, who, it seems, by the majority support the attack on Ukraine…

I wish the Ukrainians to survive. You have freedom, change of power, but our Chekists rule the country. The constitutions were wiped off and thrown away.

If you don’t stand up, you’ll be slaves like we are for the most part.”

All indicating this war has clearly divided the Russian people with its effects likely to be deeply felt in Moscow just as much as in Kyiv.