Russia: New government bill suggests Nation may lift the ban on Telegram

Russia and the popular messaging application telegram don’t get on very well... But due to the outbreak of coronavirus, the government Has been considering lifting the ban implemented on the application.

According to a report released earlier this week on the 22nd of April, two deputies at the State Duma have written up a draft bill on eliminating the telegram and encryption in Russia.

In the bill, it states that the deputies argued that the application has become an official service used by state authorities in order to bring awareness to the measures in mitigating the pandemic at hand.

The bill reportedly also makes it clear that there have been several attempts to ban the app in Russia to no end. The bill further states:

“In most cases, Telegram works for Russian users without any hindrance. There is a wide number of free services that allow to easily bypass the ban. Therefore, further declarative ban of the messenger is damaging the prestige of the authority of the State, not the development of Telegram.”

If the bill ends up being passed, this will be a major milestone in the telegram/Russia saga. Even to this day the app is accessible in Russia despite the several attempts made to ban the application in the nation.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this, the BTC price and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!