Pub0x Community Poll: Russia or Ukraine 2: & "Censorship"

For Russia up vote.

For Ukraine down vote.

I want to see where Pub0x stands. (Edit: so I can make "better" content about you, the audience, and the platform now too apparently.)

I've done another post too since the algorithm is going to promote the upvotes. Go and apply your corresponding up or down vote accordingly, that way we can try to get better results. In theory which ever has the most likes & dislikes that correspond wins our community public support.

Thank you!

Alright, now we're having some fun.

First results are in. The community and Pub0x itself stands with "censorship." Let that sink in. Let's get all the "censorship" wolf criers out of the woodwork with eyes on this so they can learn something about how the world works and their place in it.

The original post above was removed for being "poor content." I admit I could've/should've written some more, but honesty that's subjective. I needed this raw data so that I can bring you the content of it full bloom. That bet paid off so far in a way I wasn't expecting. The content is about you and this community and this platform. Who are you? I'd like to know, and so too would some of the others on this platform. So, thanks for being crypto patriots and supporting this cutting edge experiment on inducing some self reflection amongst peers and equals.

Well, we have at least one count for classic platform "censorship." We've got a right-clicking coward that can't follow simple instructions, and a platform afraid to stand up for what they are "supposed" to believe about "censorship," let alone the relevant conflict raging in the blood lands. But things aren't as they might seem. The platform isn't in the wrong, and the right-clicker isn't in the wrong the way you might think. You see, in this case you "silence" yourselves when you do that, because this post is about you: it is your voice. We've got about 40 of our readers that believe in nothing and can't follow basic instructions. Don't be like them, give this and the sister post an vote up or down corresponding to where you stand. You're being called out, don't cower, this is important. Thank you for participating in this community identity poll and for sharing your thoughts and beliefs.

So, who are you? Well, we've got at least a few bad apples on this platform I've seen telling us the West doesn't care about free speech because they stopped broadcasting RT. Y'all are giving them upvotes and sats for saying that. Meanwhile Putin has shut down numerous western publications, social media, and has a reputation for disappearing journalists out of windows or with spiked tea. That reputation goes back since most on this platform were in diapers. Are we a community that enjoys the relativizing of cold hard facts right in front of us and upvotes and tips that? Are we such cowards to truth, or do we actually stand for something? It's a simple click for up or down.

Is it right to shut down media? Maybe that's debatable, but given the circumstances? Definitely. Lies in today's world are weapons, having a foreign state media arm broadcasting in your country is just unwise. To really, really, for-real have your free speech violated you need to be jailed or killed. Free speech means you're free to go. I am free to go after my posts got pulled for, admittedly, being poor quality - it's okay you didn't get it - I'm free to repost them at a higher fidelity  in hopes that you might get it. RT is also free to go back to broadcasting wherever it is still welcome. No journalists were harmed or jailed in the demise of Russia Today. Big difference there. Internalize that difference. Russia: thrown out a windowvs US: free to go home or broadcast elsewhere.

This free speech wolf crying and counter-cancel culture (which is really just its own form of cancel culture: a discussion of people disagreeing is really just an exponential factor of free speech...) false controversy garbage has gone on for too long, this is a lesson for the free speech wolf-crier warriors out there, all the censorship shippers. It's not censorship when you are FREE to go. Not killed, not jailed, not fined. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson a decade in the making. All your favorite de-platformed influencers have been LYING to you. The things they didn't tell you are the fig leaves over their lies. They got de-platformed because that's how the law works, and they are the rowdy club afraid to admit when they are wrong (unless they're taken to court, then they're just entertainers... and some of those "canceled" are among the highest rankings of entertainers The free speech and cancel culture controversies are FALSE, and intended to get you to undermine the true spirit of the law, and from engaging with truth.

Your right ceases when you cross someone else's rights, in events like that on a platform, it's their right to remove you with or without reason. It's called a TOS and sometimes a EULA, you digitally signed and agreed to it. Free speech is the right to speak, not the right to force others to listen to or broadcast you. The platforms have the right to dictate their own rules, the websites, the businesses, the private spaces, even the public spaces (you can in fact legally be shushed in the public library). You have the right to free speech and the privilege to walk free after being asked to leave or escorted off premises, nevermind the right to remain silent as part of all that. Remember all this the next time you mistakenly get mixed up about what Western values are vs what free speech and press is like in Russia; or get caught up in an argument about twitter "censoring" posts or accounts. THEY have the RIGHT to do that, and that's just the way the law works. Don't like it? Then be open to changing your mind because you're choosing to be the problem in the equation in a centuries old system.

I will continue to have a spine and stand for what's obviously right. And yeah, the time for civility is long damn passed, people are DYING because of a decade of LIES. Cut the crap. At least when the West steps in poop it's at least trying to have a vision for a better world. Yes, the West could be so much more than it is, and I'm a life long critic of it longer than many of you have been alive, but THIS moment belongs to pudding-pie Putin. Now that Putin's mask is off we need to take the gloves off and stop violating the paradox of tolerance. We are all very very lucky the "left" evolved from AK47 toting jungle guerrillas into multi-colored haired, gender neutral kittens that just want some damn respect and the right to exist as free as your gun and Nazi enthusiast violent revolution larp clubs. That's a difference that people need to understand and appreciate as not mutually exclusive and synonymous. We can have open societies of tolerance, or we can continue to cram that into the 20th century's jam packed grave.

So who's next, what's next? Good on you right-clicker for standing up in what you believe in crypto-patriot, whoever you are, you're a cowardy-hero. You demanded better content, well hero, you are the content, it doesn't get better than that. I'm actually happy to see pro-"censorship" on this platform and among the Pub0x clickers, because that's just the way the world and the law works and it's a lesson everyone on here needs to learn and spread far and wide. To disagree with these basics and fundamentals of our society's core values is to be a mere child in a state of diaper filling revolt, trying to run off with the matches. Sure, you can be "right," but at the expense of having your cheeks whipped rosy by the literal law. Go read court rulings and precedent on free speech, it's literally that brain-dead easy in an open rule-of-law system. The only thing holding you up is your ability to think outside of yourself and learn a thing or two about what's out there and why

Let's go, what's next, who's next? Show me what you got. Follow the instructions, upvote or down vote, not right-clicky knitty picky. You are writing this post with your beliefs, let's hear em. So far we got about 40 cowards afraid to be seen or stand for anything, and we appear to have the occasional diet anarchists that only know how to start things but can't ever seem to finish their reading assignments. It's always reactionary this, Ukrainian virtue signal that, rabid Western dogs this, fear of responsibility and accountability that. Vote. Put your clicks where your mouths are. Show me you believe in something more than the invisible market force that compels you to sell Western civilization's values off for a 30 cent post.

The lines are drawn, up vote, down vote, comment and play with each other if you like. This is your playground, this is YOUR community post about yourselves. Have a look in the mirror: forty abstentions and one "censorship." That has to hurt.