Psychology Of The Covid-19 Virus Crisis

Psychology Of The Covid-19 Virus Crisis: The Use Of Shame And Guilt To Obtain Resources

First and foremost: It seems so wrong for some government agencies and hospitals to be leaning on the civilian population for their personal protection N-95 masks (which DO protect the wearer), when clearly, as the so-called ‘experts’ who are now giving advice.


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It’s just wrong for these agencies to use the media to spread ‘guilt psychology’ and ‘mask shaming‘  in an attempt to get citizens who had prepared to give up their own protection!

Agnencies Should Have Been Fully Prepared For Covid-19 Virus Crisis

These agencies (and ‘experts’) should have expected this pandemic and should have been fully prepared in advance for this very scenario. They failed to do so, even though history shows these viral pandemics are frequently reoccurring.

So now, these agencies and ‘experts’ are leaning on the people who did take the time and made the effort and investment to protect themselves and families against the inevitable. 

Staying in cities significantly increases the odds forgetting infected, with a statistically concerning probability of death, especially for people 50-years and older and youth with compromised immune systems or pulmonary issues.

Scientists are already concerned about the ‘2nd Wave’ of Covid-19 virus, a phenomenon seen in prior pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish Fu that killed as many as 50 to 100-million people worldwide according to a study in 2005 [1].

[1] Johnson NP, Mueller J (2002). “Updating the accounts: global mortality of the 1918–1920 “Spanish” influenza pandemic”. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 76 (1): 105–115. doi:10.1353/bhm.2002.0022. PMID 11875246.

Read about the Spanish Flu.

In Santa Barbara, CA three weeks ago, there were only ‘2 suspected’ cases. Now there are 88 confirmed cases. And it seems as it has been in other cities, it won’t be long until hospital beds there are filled and the few available ventilators will be overbooked. So who gets a ventilator and who may end up dying without one?

Now the news coming out of Santa Barbara is not good... as we see in the following news report and others.

“We expected a doubling of cases within three days, and that is almost exactly what we are seeing,” he said. “It is an indicator of just how infectious this thing is.”

Ansorg stressed that the greatest way to combat the virus is by practicing social distancing.

“I don’t want to scare anybody, but I want everyone to take responsibility for themselves and the community and stay home, ” he said.

Speaking at the press conference, Santa Barbara County District Attorney Joyce Dudley said there has been a rise in domestic violence, spousal rape, child abuse, elder abuse and animal abuse along with the shelter-in-place restrictions.

“All those crimes are happening now and what makes now unique?” she said. “It’s because people are under a tremendous amount of stress, they are in their homes, they have alcohol and drugs within arm’s reach and they are frustrated and anxious and they don’t know when the end is going to be.”

Violence that starts domestically in such pandemics can spread out into neighborhoods and onto the streets when resources become depleted… leading to angry, unstable people who engage in looting, burglaries, rape and assaults.

Research explains why: CERC: Psychology of a Crisis.

Four Ways People Process Information During A Crisis

By understanding how people take in information during a crisis state, we can better plan to communicate with them. During a crisis:

We simplify messages:

Under intense stress and possible information overload, we tend to miss the nuances of health and safety messages by doing the following:

  • Not fully hearing information because of our inability to juggle multiple facts during a crisis.
  • Not remembering as much of the information as we normally could.
  • Misinterpreting confusing action messages.To cope, many of us may not attempt a logical and reasoned approach to decision making. Instead, we may rely on habits and long-held practices. We might follow bad examples set by others.

This is why training in disaster preparedness mitigates the foregoing… And ensures the proper actions and tactics, which are not politically or economically motivated, and increase personal/family survival rates.

Younger people getting their information via mass media over their personal devices are not getting the KEY information, nor are they spending the requisite time needed studying the core materials and peer reviewed published research on the relevant issues.

Instead, we see that thousands of college-aged youths went to the beaches during spring break, hanging out with friends, mostly unprotected. This dangerous behavior was in part caused by the media’s early-on incorrect reporting, suggesting that Covid-19 was no big deal for younger people. But that reporting was reckless!

And the media failed to inform the public that careless cavalier behavior by younger people, who can and do carry and transmit the virus, is likely going to increase the rate of transmission of the virus to the other younger citizens who are taking precautions themselves, and who in turn assume they can safely visit their elders not knowing they are potentially exposing parents and grandparents to the deadly Covid-19 virus.

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