Pi - You cant loose. The Crypto Created by Stanford Grads and is free to mine.... For a little while longer.

So.. Pi. Got any? Free mining of the Stanford grad-created cryptocurrency has been going on for quite a while now. It's a bit longer than I honestly expected. But I was reading some tweets the other day on the official Twitter. The team tweeted asked the community what think Pi will release at. Honestly, I was pretty surprised to read some of the replies to the tweet. I mean if I had to predict I would have said .01. But the first reply I read was 100.00. I thought yeah right. In your dreams man. Until I really started looking into the coin I have been mining for over a year now but haven't paid a whole lot of attention to anything other than checking in the app daily so my hash runs continuously. This coin is Solid in my opinion and obviously a lot of others as well. Because I kept scrolling and wow... Seriously.. some of the predictions are way up there. Which.. there's always gonna be those guys hoping and praying for their prediction to come anywhere close because it would make them rich. According to these guys, bitcoin should be a few million by now. But there are some serious players pulling for this coin. Legit traders as well as Hodlers are ranking this coin pretty high. And after looking through the white paper. I have to agree. I think they took a few tricks from Vatalik when creating their blockchain Because it does look a lot like eth to me. Except for the mining. Pi is set to be a community token with a blockchain that is extremely scalable and allows for a Blockchain devs playground. Am i wrong or right? What do you think? I'm gonna leave my invite at the bottom. It is invite-only so get over there and get you some while you still can. Free mining won't be going on much longer as they just announced hitting 25 Million users back in September. They Claim they will be the most inclusive crypto ever. Pi hackathons and they also do a sandbox. See for yourself. Thanks for reading yall!

Pi Invitation 

Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 23 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/nickb89 and use my username (nickb89) as your invitation code.