Open Letter to "I Don't Dream of Labour" Millennials

Dear Millennials quitting your jobs:


You've found one of the secrets of life. Took you long enough, but here you are — jobless, free, hopeful, got a lil lil savings — but still confused. So now that you don't have your manager and salary scale providing direction for your life, what exactly are you supposed to do?

As you are finding out, thrashing against an enemy only goes so far in producing happiness/fulfillment. Whether your enemy was some huge -ism or just your shit boss, that life pimple is now gone. And once that enemy is gone and there is no fight, you need something to move for

Take the time to smell the roses a bit. Jump into Youtube; make a couple of shit videos complaining about what the fuck I'm gonna do now. If one goes viral, you now have a new career as "the voice" of your generation. Cool. 

For the rest of you, after you put some stamps on your passport, you'll likely have the temptation to return to the structure your previous job gave you. Mind you, you may not want to return to the corporate world, but your brain might fool you into thinking that you need more of a schedule. That you are somehow being unproductive because you have too much free time.

There's an opportunity here if you can beat back this demon. And it will come in many forms, threatening you with depression, loneliness, anxiety. You're really in need of a complete change in paradigm, not just something else to fill your time. You've finally reclaimed your time from this nebulous, formless sinkhole that was stealing it from you. And the first thing you want to do is give it back? Why?

If you feel this, then you will have found the second secret of life. Structure is important. The reason you rejected corporate structure is because it's a structure you didn't create and which does not consider your idiosyncrasies.

At the same time, you were stuck in a financial system that quietly stole your labor from you through the hidden tax of inflation. The reason you felt like you were on a hamster wheel, going to work and back in a neverending cycle and getting nowhere, has nothing to do with your personal drive or talent. It has everything to do with the macrofinancial policy around you, playing its haunting droll in the background of everyone's life.

See, your grandfather could have been said to be on the same hamster wheel as you. The difference was that Western society was high off of the victory of World War II. The Bretton Woods agreement pegged all other world currencies to the dollar, solidifying American financial dominance around the world. With the world's strongest currency, the United States dictated world policy in every other aspect. To make a long story short, this made life easy for grandad. See, he went through the same hamster wheel as you did. The difference is that back then, the grind was worth it.

With a strong dollar, your grandfather's grind was enough to buy a house, a car, annual vacations, and college for your dad and his sisters. There was even enough left over for a retirement account.

For many reasons, this is not true any more. The dollar you work for no longer buys all that, as you are finding out. This means you have to work longer hours to get those basic things. And it's this theft of your time that is really causing all of the depression in your life. It's the reason you're making all these Youtube videos talking about you have no friends. It takes time to make friends. And just to make it, you have to spend all of your time working.

When you stop working, you find out how weak that dollar really is. You may be able to travel for a bit, party it up, have time for a few thrift haul Youtube videos. But you'll soon find that your savings are drying up, and you might find yourself back at your folks' place to "rethink things."

There's so much I could go into about how you've been robbed by the Federal Reserve, the United States Congress, the Democrat and Republican parties, and the demonic international bureaucrats who run all of that. But you can't really see any of this in your day to day life. And if you try to talk to anyone about it, they look at you like you're the problem. You're just too lazy. I did it back in my day. Your classmate in finance is making it. Maybe you just got the wrong degree. Whatever the case, you're an adult now, and it's too late to blame anyone but yourself.

Because that's what adults do. They take responsibility.

Only the system you are in makes it impossible to take responsibility — unless you want to become a mindless slave to that system. Because selfish Western monetary policy has so weakened the dollar, you are now forced to herd yourself into the few positions that pay enough for you to survive — finance, high-level medicine, law or accountancy, or you may get lucky and be able to sell your personality as an entertainer. That's about it. The trades aren't taught in schools. Noble professions like teaching and social work don't pay enough. Anything agricultural? Please. That's been monopolized by huge corporations. The closest you'll get to real farming is manager at Whole Foods.

If you don't want to do these things, you're stuck. A few of the smarter of you have embraced the minimalist lifestyle. Tiny houses and owning nothing except maybe a small plot of land on the edges of the county line. But most folks who take on that lifestyle are lucky enough to find a partner first. You may not have found a partner yet. And it's tough to date when you're back living with mom.

You need the truth about why this is going on and why so many of you are experiencing the same thing.

More importantly, you must know how to fix it.

Dudes, crypto fixes more than your financial problems. Honestly, you're not going to get megarich in crypto if you are just getting in. The true wealth here is that you'll capture back your lost time

And that's what's missing in your life. Time. And I know you're feeling as though you're being left behind — like you've lost too much time. You may also feel as though your life is boring. That's because you don't have enough money to do anything cool unless you're giving your time away to a corporate slave job. (Then you don't have any time again!) Don't listen to these folks who tell you everything's ok. You have lost too much time. You need a vehicle that captures time and gives it back to you instead of stealing it from you.

That vehicle is crypto.

How does this work?

When you invest in legitimate crypto projects, bitcoin most importantly, you remove yourself from the diabolical US dollar based financial system that steals your time through inflation.

What is "stealing your time through inflation"?

In your grandfather's day, a house cost $10,000. Your grandad made $7,500 per year. He could pay off that house in 2 years.

Now, a standard house costs $350,000. You make $65,000 per year. Yeah, you make more, but can you pay off that house in 2 years? 

Viola. Your time being stolen through inflation. This happens with cars, food, clothes, everything. We won't get into the political bullshit, but just know it's diabolical and evil. Leave it at that and focus on you right now.

This theft is also stealing your self-worth, your friendships, your family, your hobbies, and your mental health from you — all through the theft of your time.

There's a reason the prices of crypto move up so much compared to other investments. Because of the blockchain, crypto is a system completely outside of the US dollar-based financial system. Don't let the news reports fool you. Regulators and government stooges are crapping their pants right now because crypto, bitcoin especially, is 100% outside of their jurisdiction. 100%. And they know if you get involved with it properly, you'll be 100% out of their jurisdiction.

Translation: Your time will be your own again. You'll be able to fill your day with activities that are fulfilling to you (I'm doing it right now) instead of working for some slavedriver.

Folks who already understand this about crypto are putting their intellectual capital into improving the system. That intellectual capital is their time. As an investor, if you invest in stuff like bitcoin, your profit is a piece of the time the devs put into improving the protocol. Same as when you invest in Apple — you profit from the time that people spent putting together iPhones and all of the intellectual capital it took to conceive it in the first place.

The problem with Apple is that it's still priced in dollars — the system that steals your time even as you make profit. The reason bitcoin is doing better than Apple is because they can't steal back the profit you get from bitcoin. You get what you're actually supposed to get as an investor. This concept shows itself through bitcoin's meteoric rises in price. Other cryptos follow bitcoin.

As the price of bitcoin rises, you gain back your time.

But that's not all. See, you gain your time back even if bitcoin FALLS in price.

Once you're in crypto, you'll eventually find out about all of the incredible decentralized apps being created around bitcoin and other major coins like Ethereum. These apps (the good ones, not the scams) are made to help you leverage your crypto for even more value. That's the "you becoming your own bank" part. You can borrow money against your bitcoin and pay it back on your schedule. You can leverage it. You can save it at a decent interest rate instead of the garbage your bank gives you. And you can switch strategies instantly. So you want to go to Malta tomorrow? Click around on a few apps, and in minutes you've got the leverage you need to buy a plane ticket and hostel without working another minute on the clock.

Through staking, you can generate an automatic passive income for yourself. Sounds too good to be true, but I wouldn't tell you anything that I hadn't experienced firsthand. You need to learn this. Robots are taking your jobs, yes, but crypto devs are using this same robot-tech for the job of making you money.

Yes, you need a bit of capital to get started in crypto. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But the thrill of seeing your own money at work should do quite a bit for that depression you've been feeling, now shouldn't it? How does it feel knowing that you are now in complete control of your financial present and future? If you fuck some shit up, there's no one to call. You have to keep your money safe at all times. If that doesn't give your life some purpose, I don't know what could.

I write to you as someone who felt what you're feeling right now and didn't know what to do. As soon as I discovered the macrofinancial reason for my enslavement, that it wasn't all my fault (some of it was), and most importantly, that crypto was a way out, I started researching immediately. And I was a new person in less than 6 months. I do what I want. I've met new people. I have fulfilling relationships. I help others materially. I have a purpose and a future.

I invite you to join me on this journey. You see, coming into this new system and helping create it ensures everyone else's safety as well. Without needing to know or trust anyone, you help to build a fair system that keeps us all energized and productive. The old system is dying and leaning on you in its last days. Leave it. 


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