On the Hunt for (Preferably Remote) Cryptocurrency Jobs

There are currently two major things in my life that I need to get resolved:

  • Get a job and earn some money
  • Invest in crypto (including investing time to learn more about it, particularly from a development angle)

Despite it seeming (to me, at least) like there's a conflict between the two, there doesn't have to be. Now that Web 3.0 is up and going and with the prevalence/explosion of DAOs, it's perfectly possible that I can find a job that pays me crypto, thus killing two metaphorical birds with one stone. Just a simple query for "crypto jobs" typed into PRESEARCH alone yielded at least twenty sites that are potentially worth looking at. (That's not even including Froog.co, which collects crypto job postings in one place and tags them with certain categories. Today's self-assigned task for me is to hit froog before looking at the following sites (roughly and quickly ranked from good to bad based on first impressions alone) to see if I can find one or more full-/part-time freelance (and preferably remote) jobs that will pay me crypto:

  • , obviously: The first port of call, since it might have postings from some of the others collected in one convenient place
  • Earn crypto for freelancing. That might be worth my while.
  • Crypto.Jobs: Apparently, this is one of the main ones. Given the URL, I'm not surprised.
  • Remotive Crypto Jobs for people who want out of their toxic relationships with offices
  • Glass Door A quick scan of the results shows a wide variety of companies looking for a wide variety of skills and experience levels, which is good.
  • BananoJobs on Reddit I'm not even sure if Banano is worth owning/HODLing (mainly because I don't know much about it other than that it is a meme coin/token), but I'll give it a go, anyway.
  • Cryptocurrency Jobs Based on first impressions, this one looks like a pretty standard job search site (such as Indeed).
  • LinkedIn (perhaps surprisingly and perhaps not): It is one of the traditional, Web 2.0 job search sites (among other things), but I wouldn't expect it to participate in it's own undoing (unless it's somehow trying to stay relevant)
  • Crypto Jobs List Claims to be the world's biggest site for Crypto jobs. We shall soon see, won't we?
  • Indeed.com Another Web 2.0 offering soon to be irrelevant, if my predictions are right.
  • Pomp Crypto Jobs Is it more pomp than circumstance or vice versa? I know not.
  • Crypto.com There are some things crypto just can't buy. For everything else, there's Crypto.com
  • Crypto-Job Another generic-looking job-posting site with nothing inspiring to recommend/differentiate it.
  • Ethereum Jobs Find your next Ethereum job
  • Simply Hired Another Web 2.0 offering, if my hunch is correct
  • Remote OK Crypto Jobs Work anywhere, live anywhere and earn an open salary
  • Crypto Recruit According to the site, the organisation behind it specialists in Blockchain and the cryptocurency industry
  • Supposedly the number one job board for finding cryptocurrency blockchain jobs
  • Jobs @ Cryptonary They're on a mission to make crypto available to everyone. Somehow, I don't think it's a very demanding job.
  • Bitcoiners Apparently, Bitcoiners are Satoshi Nakamoto.

Right; that's quite a hefty list. I'm sure that there are more sites out there offering relevant jobs, but that should be good for a start. It's time to give exiting through the thrift shop a go, since traditional means and methods of finding employment haven't worked and I'm open to long shots and wild, unconventional approaches.

Disclaimer: As always, when investigating cryptocurrencies and online spaces/technologies, do your own research and exercise appropriate caution. (I suggest, also, having a split strategy: One wallet for your long-term investments and another for your gambling/risky ventures. That way, you can keep your investments safely separate from what you're prepared to risk losing should things go south due to recklessness.)

Post thumbnail image by Alesia Kozik from/on