On standby...

Transitional times...

You don't have to be very observant these days to realize how  the crypto market has become.

Everyone waiting for BTC to break the range between 42K and 44K with hardly any volume...

It should be noted at least that the Fear & Greed index is not at the worst of its recent moments, we are almost right in the middle range, around an index of 46, that is, there is no Fear and there is no Greed... simply we're 


Yes but, waiting for what?

There are two main threats seeking resolution:

  • The crisis on the Ukrainian border between the West and Russia
  • The FED to confirm the rise in interest rates

Regarding the first, it is obvious that the risk of a military conflict in Europe could destabilize the world economy. As for the probability of this finally happening, I would say that it is high, but I do not know how to quantify the intensity of the conflict.

According to the news I read, the probability that Russia's hostilities will escalate is uncertain, according to some sources on the Russian side (TASS) this probability is low. According to others on the western side instead they say they are high...

Regarding the threat of rising interest rates, well, for me it is clear that it is going to happen given the high inflation generated in Western countries lately... the question is, how much will it rise?

And as a derivative of this previous question, how will it affect both the traditional and crypto markets?

Could the new interest rates return investors to the traditional market to the detriment of the crypto market?

Will high inflation be a demonstration of the validity of BITCOIN as a preferred Store of Value

The market is highly sensitive to any possible event that could destabilize it and these two are clearly major threats that generate uncertainty in all areas.

However, the crypto market is still so young that we cannot anticipate anything yet, nor relate it to similar events in the past... there are still too many pages of history to be written in Crypto


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta