Old men keep yelling at crypto, and it is our job to... JUST IGNORE THEM

I may come across as exceedingly confident or naive but it is absolutely clear to me but the war against crypto cannot be won.

It's a losing battle, and it is baffling to me that people can't see it.

I've been in the crypto space since 2016, meaning I'm not a newbie, not an expert, somewhere in the middle, and all this time I've been reading the headlines, hearing the . And yet the crypto world keeps getting bigger, and more relevant.

Crypto criticism is always the same fruit salad of bulls**t, wishful thinking and a lot of old people whose opinions won't matter for much longer.

I'm very happy we got amazing experts (Breedlove are my go-to) in the industry spending time and energy debunking crypto myths with knowledge and great communicative skills.

But, crucially, I think nothing would change even if they didn't.

Crypto isn't a feature, it isn't hype or a temporary trend.

Crypto takes financial power further away from governments and banks, and closer to the people.

Sure, there are a lot of issues - really, a lot - but all of this is being done through technology

And, for better or worse, technology cannot be stopped. If we can do it faster, cheaper and better, and if people want it, it'll happen.

How have we not learnt this yet?

billionaires who constantly bash crypto, God bless their soul, won't be here for ever.

Gensler will be replaced. In fact, every government official is replaced sooner or later, no matter how good a job they've done.

Stop worrying, keep hodling.