New Survey Shows Australian’s Love for Crypto is Fueled by These Noble Drives

Australians appear to be more knowledgeable in their investment strategies as many are beginning to buy into cryptocurrencies for the right reasons. As highlighted in a recent survey conducted by BTC Markets, it was shown that acquiring digital assets was not a function of ideas to get rich quickly, rather, investors who are purchasing digital currencies are doing so to build wealth, and for retirement purposes amongst others.


Per the survey, 70% of the respondents to the survey said their sole aim of embracing crypto is to build wealth. This is a possible scenario seeing the high rate of growth of established coins compared to traditional investment assets. 34% of respondents buy-in to crypto so they can fall back on the gains when they retire, with some 28% affirming their aim to be portfolio diversification.

Cryptocurrencies have matured when compared to the level it was in the past decade. Today, institutional investors, as well as retail buyers, are all bullish on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other altcoins with unique fundamentals.

“The motivations for investing in cryptocurrency are many and varied. A majority of respondents to our survey, 70 per cent, say they are looking to build wealth. A significant percentage, 34 per cent, say that one of their goals for investing in cryptocurrency is to retire early.”

The reasons for acquiring crypto also span such needs as paying down for debts (at 12%), and in starting a business claimed by 4% of the respondents.

Diversity in Investor’s Portfolio

The investors who responded to the BTC Markets survey show diversity in their investment portfolios. This trend shows that despite the rising popularity of crypto assets, the bulk of investors are not in it for the frenzy attached to meme-tokens.

Of the total respondents, as much as 63% said they have investments in stocks or shares, 29% have injected capital in investment properties, while 20% said they have funds in precious metals including Silver and Gold. Of the profiled investors, only 20% said they hold only cryptocurrencies.

Drawing on this diversity, the report reads;

“This spread of investments across a wide range of asset classes consolidates the view that a large majority of investors are not using cryptocurrency as a “get rich quick” investment. Instead, it is as part of a carefully considered asset allocation strategy for an overall wealth portfolio”

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About Author
Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin