My thoughts on Crypto "easy" gambling options

One of the industries that's quite quick to take advantage of developing technology is the gambling industry. And why not? They've got the money to take the initial risk and make the huge investments to help bring these options their customers and potential customers which this new tech would perhaps make the gambling industry able to reach them.

I'm old enough to remember the Adyen/instant online payment, Live dealer stream and other major developments in which the gambling industry was very efficient in adapting and making available to their users, and see similar steps being taking now regarding Crypto. I'm not going to give any of them any sort of coverage or link their sites, because my thoughts are they are a bunch of opportunistic ****** and thus should not be given any attention.

Most if not all of them are working with easy to gain licenses from Malta, in which a person is (since I last checked 5 years ago) required to pay approximately 75.000 Euros and voila, you are now "legally licensed" to start your own online gambling site in Europe and pay the usage fees to online/live dealer providers who outsourced the work to Latvia (so they can pay the workers one of the lowest salaries in the EU, yet still operate in most of Europe).

Net average monthly salary


So, they're here. Online gambling has discovered the Crypto world and are very eager to let you "win" more Crypto by playing all their little games in which you are statistically a l w a y s at a disadvantage. Now, I'm no gambling expert, hardly know all the rules or games, but am still confident enough to say all of the games or betting options offered are an absolute joke and so are the "influencers" promoting any of these betting/gambling sites. If there was any Casino game or sports bet you, the player was at an advantage, it would not even be approved to exist, period. Even in sports betting you will never find a 2-way outcome pay 2.00, it's impossible, the best/most equal outcome you will ever see is apprx 1.91 vs 1.91 and hence giving the bookmaker an extra advantage of 0.09 per 1 Euro you bet so no matter if you win or lose, they already started wining the moment you place the bet.

Now this doesn't mean that there aren't a few genuine people out there who have an edge over the casinos/bookies despite the player disadvantage, but they will first off not make ridiculous promotional videos about it and publish it, they will try to keep a very low profile because you know what happens to these people?


It may sound very cliche house father advice, but gambling is just not worth it. It wasn't worth it with your fiat money, it's an outright crime to do it with your Crypto.