More Idiots Who Want to Give Government All the Bitcoin

I have an article

Why You Should Buy Tesla With Bitcoin where a commenter said something I think deserves attention. Read the Tesla piece if you want to know what I'm talking about there.

I agree with your points about using new crypto systems to help cut back on the taxation that is done in ways that helps prevent corruption. but I don’t agree with your level of profanities. you can get the point across better using respectful communication.

Fuck off. Next point.

and final point. some of the Taxes would still need to be collected in some way otherwise how would countries afford to pay for things you get benefit from.

This point actually made some sense, if only because I get that most people don't have the time or inclination to understand anything beyond what they see on a day to day basis. So I'll forgive the ignorance and just present my perspective here.

This notion of a centralized secular government providing basic necessities is a fairly new one. But since it's the only structure any of you have ever lived through, you consider this way of life like an edict from God or something.

Go research the East India and Dutch India Companies during the time when private enterprise was more powerful than the governments of nations. Go back and realize what you were listening to when you read all those movies about Camelot — a time when religious organizations controlled the secular armies of governments and collected taxes directly to themselves. If you bingo brains can move away from Western feudal history, you'll discover a number of different societal structures that have nothing to do with centralized government providing all the resources.

Moreover, just because government has been doing that recently doesn't mean it deserves infinite expansion of its power. Humanity evolves into better systems, a la the decentralized autonomous organization. Put another way: If you need to cross a river, you use a boat. After you cross the river, do you carry the boat on your back the rest of your life? No. You leave the boat at the river's edge and continue on. Very soon will come a time where we can leave the antiquated notions of centralized government behind. Very soon. And the things built UNDER government (not by government, because it was people that built them) will serve humanity in its new phase. But I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna carry those leeches on my back.

We can see the power transition from public into private enterprise happening quite rapidly. NASA had a near-century head start, but the entity bringing new advancements in space travel is a private company. In the past, our parents owed their livelihoods to military service pensions, Social Security and FHA/Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae subsidies. When I get my house and lambo, it'll be because of Apple's MacBook, Satoshi's bitcoin and Netscape's Javascript. I'll put food in my kids' mouths based on my relation to these private companies, not any government. Fannie, Freddie and SS are about to go broke, trying desperately to figure out ways NOT to pay you. In the meantime, there's so much money coming out of the proper use of these private companies and resources, our community is expanding and joyous.

But Alucard! You wouldn't be able to use Apple and bitcoin and Javascript without electricity!! That's government! 

Yeah, of course it is. Because they imposed a MONOPOLY on it so you can't get it from anywhere else. Fuckin police arresting people for collecting WATER. Are you kidding? Go fuck yourself.

So no, government doesn't have an inalienable right to my store of labor and intellectual property. Fuck no. Especially when everything I have is in spite of government, not because of it. Let's be clear — they fucking owe me and my family for what they've taken from us, but I'm not going to sit around waiting for them to give it to me. Especially now that Satoshi gave us all a way out, AND especially since I'm surrounded by fucking status quo morons who continue to bend over, let government fuck them in the ass, then have the nerve to invite me to do the same. Fuck government until they show some fucking utility in my life. And fuck you for thinking I have to give away my personal freedom to fit into "civil society" with the rest of you uninspiring, glutenous masses of useless shit.


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