More Billionaires Endorsing Bitcoin

Buying Bitcoin ‘Like Investing In Google Early Or Steve Jobs And Apple,’ Predicts Wall Street Legend And Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones - A lot of big money has spent the last few years accumulating Bitcoin & watching from the sideline; now is the time to shill it to the public. The price is currently hovering around $13k; each day I wonder - what's it going to take for a few billionaires to FOMO in & market buy Bitcoin. If this occurs the price could easily double in a day or 2; personally I think we're building up to some giant green candles. Bitcoin will soon be the talk of the town once again.

The herd is coming. There will be a lot of money made and a lot of money lost. There are going to be many many scams.  I think the next bull run is going to be the first main polarizing event from fiat (government money) to Bitcoin (internet money). If you're a risk averse investor; Bitcoin is actually for you, you just don't know it yet. In my humble opinion, when Bitcoin is properly secured (node/hardware wallet) with good privacy techniques, it is currently one of the safest bets in the world you can make. 

Most financial advisors are giving terrible advice in these times; they simply don't understand the damaging effects this financial system will have on society over the coming years. You can't really blame them, they were taught a broken system in university. The next decade of wealth transfer will be won by those who understand inflation & scarce assets - Bitcoin is more scarce than gold and much more practical. It's extremely obvious in my mind that Bitcoin is going to have a far better ROI in the coming years. But please, do you own research. 

My main motivation to write is to get people off zero; make them realize the importance of stacking sats or trigger to stack more. You probably think I'm try to pump my bags. No. In my mind, Bitcoin is inevitable & it much more fair than the current system. I want to see the average person stack sats before the billionaires, corporations, retail banks, governments & banks. When you realize how much money has been thieved from the average person over the last 50 years, you want humanity as a whole to benefit; to take back what they deserve. I want as many good citizens to buy it first. It's normally the good people who are taken for a ride. Bitcoin is a gift for the people. It allows anyone to start taking back their stolen money, but in the most ethical way possible.

If you secure your Bitcoin & become truly self-sovereign, you literally hold the keys to a much brighter future.



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