Money Changers

Welcome to the Money Changers Journal. In this journal, we’ll discuss finance, history, politics, and other controversial topics while laying out the important factors that matter most to you. COVID-19 is small potatoes to what we're dealing with here people.

Only once in a species lifespan has an idea had such a catastrophic impact on the lives of everyday humans, community members, friends, family, and most importantly you, as the topics we’ll be discussing throughout this journal. It’s important you keep an open mind because the adventures we’ll take into this rabbit hole go far and deep. It’s important that you stay patient, because at first, it may seem like an overload of information. I know it did to me. It's important you stay persistent because the keys to solving this puzzle are not unlocked in one day, one week, or even one year.

I know that while you’re reading this, you’re tired. I’m not talking about wanting to take a nap or go to bed early and sleep in until noon the next day. You’re physically tired, mentally drained, your spirit has dwindled and your emotions are stale. I don’t blame you; this is precisely the strategy that has been implemented in order to make the world population docile, unmotivated, and without the ability to create real change.

It has gone too far. Not only is the quantifiable date at a farther disparity in favor of the elite and wealthy than ever in recorded history (Middle class disappearing, wealth gap increasing, more people living under the poverty line, hungry children, etc.) our spirit is at the lowest level it has ever been, which may be the greater danger out of the two. Without money, we are still able to live happily. Without spirit, we have no reason to live.

That’s what this journal is about, first spreading the knowledge of how and why our spirit has been broken so we can start to put terms to these things that are happening in our lives and make sense of this crazy world we live in. Secondly, to rejuvenate that spirit that we all had at some point in our life.

Now let’s look at some charts so we can begin to conceptualize and get a grasp of what we are dealing with here.

What is this graph telling us? The X-axis is time, the Y-axis is the share of wealth. You can see that since the mid ’80s in the United States, the gap between the wealthiest 1% and the poorest 90% has increased dramatically. As of 2020, the wealthiest 1% own close to 70% of the world’s wealth, while the bottom 90$ share around 9%. The remaining 21% belongs to the class of people below the 1% wealthiest and the poorest 90%, in other words, the middle class.

This is the annual inflation rate as calculated by the U.S Department of Labor (DOL) statistics for the past 25 years. The US DOL uses the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Many people have questioned the reliability of the CPI index because during the past few years prices of a multitude of goods have gone up far greater than the reported rates. Nonetheless, the CPI and the goods they place inside of the basket are strategically chosen to give the illusion the DOL is trying to portray during that year. Maybe one year they want to portray high inflation so that you put your money in investments, maybe the DOL wants to portray low inflation to incentive holding money in the bank. The interest rates are calculated by a private bank called the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal nor a reserve. This institution is the one responsible for controlling the inflation rate based on how much money they “print”, so the DOL is only trying to measure that effect of money printing by the Fed. We’ll discuss this in more detail a little later.

 So, take these numbers with a grain of salt, even considering there come from the most “authentic” source. The true measure of inflation is how much richer or poorer you feel from the previous year. How much richer or poorer do you feel given everything else is equal. In the United States, your purchasing power is decreasing every year, and while you have your money safely sitting inside of a bank account getting paid .01% interest, with the fractional reserve banking system the US deploys banks are able to take your deposit and only hold 10% of it in their reserves and are able to lend out the other 90% of your money to whoever they feel will pay them the highest interest rates. Mind you, this is done without using any of the bank’s money. In other words, they are taking your money, lending it out, and getting paid 700x better than they are paying you. It sounds like a good business model to me.

Here’s the bottom line, I could provide you with all the charts, numbers, facts, and data, which I will do in the coming blogs… but it comes down to you. It's up to the individual reading this post to actually take action. It starts with you, then works its way up through your group of friends into your local community, then state, nation, and world. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Let’s start from the beginning, lets tell the story of the money changers, money illusion, collusion, corruption, greed, and more. Then let’s take action, and start to put the power of this country in the hands of the people who the founders intended. The people, not the big banks.

I'll leave the first blog ending with this. Margaret Mead, who was an author and speaker in the 1960s and ’70s. She stated, “Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”


More coming soon!