Modern Warfare: Pentagon vs Bitcoin (The U.S. is preparing for a Bitcoin rebellion!!!)

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

All this week, my spare time was focused into the StakeCube Advanced Tutorial and this work involved a fair amount of effort. Before I will get absorbed by StakeCube and live my life in some kind of MasterNode, I decided to take a brake and write about something else, as a nice Sunday-morning-breaking-news kinda post. 

And suddenly a post got my attention, saying that Pentagon papers are reveling that the U.S. Government is preparing for a Bitcoin rebellion. The title looked very dramatic, quite apocalyptic but being published on Forbes made it feel genuine. I gave it a good read, and done my research after, and the conclusion is that The U.S. Government, and the Pentagon, has put in place measures to overcome any Bitcoin funded crisis. 

The Bitcoin, and any other type of cryptocurrency, failed to find support by the U.S. Government. The criticism is leaded by Donald Trump, with a powerful back-up from Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary, announcing significant cryptocurrency regulations which will aid the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to adapt cu the new requirements and prevent crime aided with crypto-support.

We want to make sure that technology moves forward but, on the other hand, we want to make sure that cryptocurrencies aren't used for the equivalent of old Swiss secret number bank accounts. The FinCEN and the Treasury Department are spending a lot of time on this, and new regulations will be adapted soon - Steven Mnuchin - U.S. Treasury Secretary

The Minneapolis Federal Reserve president, Neel Kashkari, branded cryptocurrencies "a giant garbage dumpster" while the Department of Justice called bitcoin mixing "a crime." This statement is related to Larry Harmon, who was arrested for his alleged involvement in a money-laundering conspiracy worth more than $300 million. Department of Justice prosecutors branded bitcoin mixing software, designed to mask the origin of bitcoin transactions as "money laundering" and referred to Harmon's Helix software as a "money transmitting and money laundering business."

Now.... let's return to the U.S. v Bitcoin conflict and how the U.S. is already planning and training agents to face Bitcoin a fueled crisis. It's been revealed that the U.S. Department of Defense has war-gamed scenarios involving a Generation Z rebellion that uses bitcoin to undermine and evade the Government. This scenario is used for educational purposes only, and is intended to reflect a plausible depiction of major trends and influences in the world regions. However, time will tell if the Pentagon was right to train people for this scenario.

In the Pentagon war game, young people born between the mid-1990's and early 2010's use cyber attacks to steal money and convert it to bitcoin. The war game is set in 2025, and is called the 2018 Joint Land, Air and Sea Strategic Special Program (JLASS). The scenario is somehow similar with the recent protests in the U.S. and around the world against racial injustice, powered by the death of George Floyd.

See attached the document, were the members of Gen Z are fighting against the system, who they believe is rigged and compromised. The group, called Zbellion, started a global cyber campaign to expose injustice and corruption and to support causes it deems beneficial, acting as agents for social change, being investigator, judge and punisher all-together. The group encourages cyber attacks against organizations that support the system, funneling stolen cash into bitcoin to make so they can make below the threshold donations" to "worthy recipients" and Zbellion members. The program, which also reportedly war-gamed scenarios involving Islamist militants and anti-capitalist extremists, was conducted by students and faculty from the U.S. military’s war colleges, the training ground for prospective generals and admirals. 

The Pentagon war game documents have been revealed after Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz called for the government to stop the money of demonstrators after country-wide protests over the killing of George Floyd turned violent this month.

As a reflection of the above, the next-gen generals and admirals will have the adequate training to fight crypto-related crime, and most certain, they will have the right tools. If this war-gamed scenario was included in training, definitely Governmental experts are already working to create the tools required in this future war, and the advance technology to protect from malware.

P.S. I wonder if any scenario involves A.I. taking control of the world? Please enroll John Connor in the program!


Links and referrals:

Forbes : U.S. planning a Bitcoin rebellion

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