Mettalex x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 29th of January

Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Mettalex and our guest was Vlad Dramaliev the Marketing Head at Mettalex. The AMA took place on 29 January.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Mettalex! Welcome to Satoshi Club

Vlad | Mettalex: Mettalex is a commodity derivatives DEX that launches next month on both Ethereum and BINANCE Smart Chain

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Welcome to Satoshi Club, @galt42.

Vlad | Mettalex: Happy to be here!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello! Vlad! Welcome to Satoshi Club

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:Thanks for joining

Mary | Satoshi Club: Let’s start our AMA! We are all excited about it!

Vlad | Mettalex: You have a great community here, I am thrilled to address any questions that they may have.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have you in Satoshi Club!

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, please, introduce yourself and tell us more about Mettalex

Vlad | Mettalex: Perfect.

My name is Vlad Dramaliev and I am the Marketing Head at Mettalex.

I joined Mettalex because I believe that all real-world financial assets will enter DeFi

Mary | Satoshi Club: Your department doing a great job

Vlad | Mettalex: And Mettalex is doing that for commodities.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is true!

Vlad | Mettalex: I think that what we are seeing today, makes the case for Mettalex eveen stronger

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Mass adoption in action!

Vlad | Mettalex: Users are looking into censorship-resistant alternatives where they can trade

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, crazy days

and for sure this all makes play on your side)

Yes, that Gamestop story

Vlad | Mettalex: And they are learning about DeFi

We are witnessing a massive, free marketing campaign about DeFi. Mettalex really can’t be launching at a better time

Mary | Satoshi Club: Perfect time for marketing, you can even relax a bit

Vlad | Mettalex: Mettalex will be the only place in DeFi where users can trade iron ore, gas, lithium carbonate, copper, steel, and a number of other assets

and we are also planning to launch spreads like btc/gold


anyone with a METAMASK wallet will be able to short/long these with leverage

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You have great plans and goals!

Vlad | Mettalex: The commodities market is over $20T

we intend to bring that on-chain

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, this market can grow huge

Vlad | Mettalex: It will grow huge, it is inevitable

And we want to be the agents of that growth when it comes to commodities

We are serving three types of users

1. Liquidity providers?—?they can provide liquidity in stablecoins (currently USDT only, but more soon) and get trading fees and MTLX tokens

87.5% of all MTLX tokens will go to liquidity providers

that’s unique in the crypto space

Mary | Satoshi Club: Fair distribution!)

Vlad | Mettalex: This is a continuous yield farming program, similar to bitcoin mining

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Vlad | Mettalex: You provide utility to Mettalex (liquidity), you are rewarded with MTLX tokens.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great!

Sounds very good!

Vlad | Mettalex: no large investors, no large team “pre-mine”

2. Physical commodity holders?—?Small and medium size enterprises will be able to use Mettalex as a hedging tool

Currently they need to go through brokers and pay for large spreads. We make it cost and capital efficient

3. DeFi traders and speculators?—?They get access to new markets, currently unavailable in DeFi

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this is especially interesting

Vlad | Mettalex: Another important feature of Mettalex is the ability to create the markets you need. Any users can create a market, as long as they have access to secure real-world data (oracle)

Mary | Satoshi Club: $GME?

Vlad | Mettalex: and we are launching AI-based customizable oracles througgh, Mettalex “mother company”

As long as there is an oracle for it?—?it can be launched on Mettalex

So we are aligning the incentives of all these users?—?DeFi-style

The users who have MTLX, can use it in the governance of Mettalex

Mary | Satoshi Club: Awesome

Is it already working?

Vlad | Mettalex: Currently, there are few ways to get MTLX?—?one is in Uniswap (MTLX:ETH and MTLX:USDT) or, and this is even better, farm!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Where? On your own platform?

Vlad | Mettalex: We have a running yield farming program?—?Mettalex Amplify?—?that offers farmers over 275% APY

Vlad | Mettalex: and that’s long terms, we are not talking about hours, days or weeks here

Mary | Satoshi Club: Satoshiclubbers

Vlad | Mettalex: Anyone interested can learn more here:

And btw, the team is Cambridge, UK based

With massive experience in AI and blockchain

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: 275% APY!


Vlad | Mettalex: We are collaborating with a number of academic institutions including Cambridge and Oxford

Mary | Satoshi Club: Super

Team is public, right?

Vlad | Mettalex: yes, but you need to go to to get more info

Mary | Satoshi Club: We can

Vlad | Mettalex: Mettalex Founder is the CEO of both and Mettalex

He has 10+ experience in the commodities markets and is super tech-savvy

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great background!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Humayun Sheikh?

Vlad | Mettalex: A founding investor in the AI project DeepMind that was bought by Google for $500m


Mary | Satoshi Club: I see, incredible experience

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for the great intro! Ready for community questions? Or do you want to add something else?

Vlad | Mettalex: Very experienced founder, and I have worked with a number in the crypto space

We try to keep the exciting news flowing. We had something in stock for this week. It’s what the community has been asking us to do for a while. The tests we were performing took a little longer than expected, so we will have to push it to early next week. We will make up for it though. We have so much news coming!

Vlad | Mettalex: Let’s jump into the questions

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We are looking forward to updates!

Mary | Satoshi Club: And don’t forget to share this news with us

Vlad | Mettalex: Will do 100%

Q1 from Telegram user @Indomiekuy

After 1st batch MTLX staking ( by uniswap liquidity pool token) by Amplify, is it possible to add again LP token using same wallet metamask to stake pool? Or I must use different wallet metamask for the 2nd stake? Do you have any link guide about this?

Vlad | Mettalex: You can add as much liquidity as you want from the same wallet. No need to change it.

We have a detailed on how to farm MTLX here:

Mary | Satoshi Club: How is staking going now?

Vlad | Mettalex: If you experience any issues, you can get in touch with us on Telegram at

Excellent, we have more than $3m TVL in the MTLX;USDT and MTLX:ETH Uniswap pairs

And we have more than 900k MTLX tokens to give away in this first yield farming program

it will be running for months

at 275% APY

Mary | Satoshi Club: Very nice numbers

Vlad | Mettalex: thanks

with the launch of the Mettalex DEX we will open more pools

Mary | Satoshi Club: Can you tell when it will finish?


Vlad | Mettalex: When the MTLX reserve runs out, but we may extend it

Also we have this competition with SatoshiClub running

Mary | Satoshi Club: Got it

Vlad | Mettalex: All Mettalex DEX markets will be USDT yield farming pools

Mary | Satoshi Club: Btw

Satoshi Club, very good opportunity for profit!

Vlad | Mettalex: USDT for now, BUSD, USDC, DAI are coming

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow!

Vlad | Mettalex: And we are great at managing risk. You have a look here:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Haha, i saw this article, but i need to refresh my math

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is very far-sighted!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers! Do you want to add something or we can go to the next question?

Vlad | Mettalex: We call our Market Makers Autonomous, since they are more advanced than Automatic Market Makers

Next question

Mary | Satoshi Club: But they still AMM

(words play)

Vlad | Mettalex: “their AMM strong”

very strong

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

thanks for the answer

Vlad | Mettalex: We have an amazing CTO

Mary | Satoshi Club: He is also from

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I’m sure your whole team is unique!

Vlad | Mettalex: We are all part of the team, but some of us are 100% focused on Mettalex

but everyone from Fetch helps

and both project help eachother

Mary | Satoshi Club: Like a big family

Vlad | Mettalex: exactly

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club : so next question!

Q2 from Telegram user @Korryl

How is $MTLX will be used in the future? Can you tell us about Mettalex team plan to increasing the token demand?

Vlad | Mettalex : We believe that demand will come from the 3 groups of users that I mentioned?—?LPs, traders, and physical commodity holders

We are constantly coming up with improvements

And our token economics are very solid, you can learn more here:

We believe more and more users will join the DeFi space

and they will find Mettalex, where they can get exposure to various “exotic” markets that can’t be accessed anywhere else

and we also plan to create completely new markets?—?like data compute

Mary | Satoshi Club: Can you also tell us more about Mettalex stakeholders and partners?

We recently announced a cooperation with Torus, who offer a one-click solution to create an ETH wallet and credit it with USDT via credit/debit card or Apple Pay

Vlad | Mettalex:

We are also in cooperation with Chainlink whose oracles we will use for some of the Mettalex Markets

And last, but definitely not least, we are going to Binance Smart Chain where fees are just a fraction of those on Ethereum

Mary | Satoshi Club: You will use only Chainlink oracles or also another?

Vlad | Mettalex:

Mary | Satoshi Club:

low fees

Vlad | Mettalex: Yes, Chainlink does not provide all the oracles that we need, the commodities ones specifically

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: smart tactical move!

Vlad | Mettalex: And we are build those ourselves using smart agent technology. Here is cool infographic which I am sharing for the first time (EXCLUSIVE)

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes!yes!yes!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Satoshi Club loves exclusives!

Vlad | Mettalex

A larger one

Mary | Satoshi Club: It looks really amazing! I like that they’re autonomous

Vlad | Mettalex: We haven’t shared this one anywhere yet. 100% Exclusive for you guys.

Agents are AI based

Mary | Satoshi Club: We appreciate this

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you for sharing

Vlad | Mettalex: You are very welcome!

We also have a number of other partnerships coming up

but those are in the works

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And you are very interesting in your story

Mary | Satoshi Club: Any hints?

Vlad | Mettalex: haha, well they bring the DeFi world and real-world together, that’s all that I can say for now

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok, it’s a food for thoughts

Vlad | Mettalex, :

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks! Ready to proceed?)

Vlad | Mettalex: absolutely

Q3 from Telegram user @AmirJosh

How many percent of the commodities or physical assets value will be tokenized and how can Mettalex platform ensure that the assets are really existing?

Vlad | Mettalex: Ok, so this one is related to a common misconception about Mettalex.

Mettalex is not “tokenizing” commodities

it enables commodity derivatives trading

so we are not storing/securing commodities in the real world

we are providing users with price-exposure to commodity prices via real-world data feeds (oracles)

Mary | Satoshi Club: really, this question is always confusing

Vlad | Mettalex: Perhaps it is worth explaining how Mettalex works

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, please

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it would be great!

Vlad | Mettalex: We have two important features, apart from the AMM: 1. Banded Trading and 2. Position tokens

Banded Trading refers to the following, let say the price of BTC is $40k

The market on Mettalex will be created between 30 and 50k

and all trades are happening within that band

that enables leverage

and capital efficiency?—?you don’t have to buy the full price of bitcoin

2. Users buy or sell “position tokens”?—?those are ERC20 tokens that enable short or long exposure within the band

Mary | Satoshi Club: Gotcha

Vlad | Mettalex: depending on where the oracle-reported price is withoin the band, short and long position tokens have specific prices

For example, if the oracle reported price for the BTC market id 49k (close to the upper band)

it gets more expensive to buy long tokens, and very cheap to buy short tokens

so if you buy a short token at 49k, and the price of BTC goes to 30k (the lower band) you win big

very big

it is similar to a binary option

Mary | Satoshi Club: It will mean that i bought the deep

in simple words)

Very simple)

Vlad | Mettalex: you won with let’s say 24x leverage

Mary | Satoshi Club: But i will buy that tokens and price will go up again?

Vlad | Mettalex: can’t calculate the exact number though

then you lose only the price of the short position tokens, and that’s not high

much lower than the price of the long, times lower

banded trading creates a great asymmetric risk opportunity

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks! I definitely need to try this!

Vlad | Mettalex: and one other important feature is that all positions remain open until the band is breached (by the oracle reported price)

not like options which are limited in time

and having in mind that commodities are generally much less volatile than crypto, hedgers will find Mettalex much more useful than options

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, this is attractive

Vlad | Mettalex: A position on Mettalex can stay open for months perhaps years (depending on how wide the band is)

very cool stuff

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, until Reddit come there

Vlad | Mettalex: very, very

haha, ahh yes

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Vlad | Mettalex: once the band is breached?—?one of the tokens gets all the liquidity, the other becomes worthless

and a new market is launched with a new band

everything happens automatically

so you if you are on the winning side, you are guaranteed to be “in the money”

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure, that those who learned this math can earn a lot

Vlad | Mettalex: not like options, where if you forget to use it, you lose it

asymmetric opportunities are the best ones in finance

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I totally agree

Vlad | Mettalex: and Mettalex will have lot’s of those

Mary | Satoshi Club: Did someone ever forget to use?

Vlad | Mettalex: and you only lose the position tokens you bought for that specific market, not everything that’s in your wallet

unlike, some futures markets out there

so you always know how much you can lose and how much you can win

Mary | Satoshi Club:Thank you, Vlad! Really informative answers!

Vlad | Mettalex: thousands of people actually

Mary | Satoshi Club: Oops

Vlad | Mettalex: I hope they were useful

It’s a big problem

but now many are solving it with automatic settlement, similar to Mettalex’s approach

Any last questions?

Mary | Satoshi Club:They need of vitamins for for memory or Mettalex for profits

Let’s go to the next question

Q4 from Telegram user @konditer_rolex

I saw the news about the integration of the Torus wallet. I admit I have never used it, but I am confused by any browser extension. Tell us about the security system on the exchange. What other wallets do you plan to integrate? And why not create your own?

Vlad | Mettalex: Ok, so Torus wallet enables users to log in (basically create an ETH wallet) with a Facebook, Google, Reddit, Discord, or a number of other standard accounts

The user doesn’t have to write down any words (seed) and they can restore their wallet at any time with the same account they used to create it (let’s say facebook)

The users can also add a 2FA for security so if their social media account get’s compromised, their wallet doesn’t

Mary | Satoshi Club: It has two sides

Vlad | Mettalex: Apart from Torus, Mettalex also features MetaMask, which is the most widely used DeFi wallet

They can also get the seed if they want

MetaMask is an absolute must for any DeFi project

Mary | Satoshi Club: Oh, that’s great!

Vlad | Mettalex: And the good thing is that it also can be used in Binance Smart Chain

the user just needs to switch the MetaMask network to BSC

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great features!

Vlad | Mettalex: These two wallets will be available at launch in February and we can ad more in the future

We don’t plan to create a wallet of our own for a number of reasons

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: To be honest, I already want to try it!

Vlad | Mettalex: Security is major one

Mary | Satoshi Club: And what about security audits?

Vlad | Mettalex: We have several of those on our main token contract. And we will go though audits for the Mettalex DEX on the two mainnets as well

Mary | Satoshi Club: Several, this sounds great and safe!

Thanks, Vlad! Ready for the next question?

Vlad | Mettalex: But as we have seen in the past, security audits don’t mean much if your team is not proficient. And we have a world-class team!

Let’s do it

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Approximately when are you planning an audit?

Vlad | Mettalex: Before launch in February

so in the next few weeks

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you for sharing

Vlad | Mettalex: Going back to the options expirations point ” To date over $2m USD worth of options have expired in the money, representing a total loss for the holders of those options.”

This is Hegic, who have implemented technology to prevent that

Hegic Launches “Autonomous Hegician” Options Trading Tool Built on Autonomous Agent Framework


Q5 from Telegram user @Gutike95

The characteristics of guarantees and position tokens and more, will only be available for Dex exchange platforms? Or are you planning to implement it in Cex in the future?

Vlad | Mettalex : Great question

We believe that more traditional market participants, like physical commodity holders, may prefer a centralized trading environment. At least in terms of custody of the assets.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Satoshi Clubbers are smart and educated guys

Vlad | Mettalex: So we are also looking into ways on how to accommodate those, which may mean that we will use decentralzied liquidity from the DEX but also a centralized custodian

We are also looking into ways to enable user verification

that are in line with the decentralization ethos

self sovereign identity solutions, for example

Mary | Satoshi Club:Yes, it’s like old school

but we have to respect their choice

Vlad | Mettalex: like Yoti


apart from that

Mettalex technology, just like most other DeFi tech is open-source

so anyone can use it or over-innovate

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yoti and became a partners recently

Vlad | Mettalex: exactly

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure, you will find a lot if solutions

Vlad | Mettalex: I had a demo with them this week and their tech looks really, really well

and they are exploring ways to get integrated into MetaMask

so that will be ideal

Mary | Satoshi Club: I think it’s only a matter of time

Vlad | Mettalex: I am generally super excited about 2021 for Mettalex and

Mary | Satoshi Club: We as well

Vlad | Mettalex: yes, the great thing about it is that once you have Yoti set up, then you can log-in anywhere where it is available

so if a user has set up Yoti on Synthetix, they can log in, hassle-free, to Mettalex

Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s impressive!

Vlad | Mettalex: yes, it’s like a MetaMask, but for identitty

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great tech!

Vlad | Mettalex: Mettalex is all about great tech

internally and externally

that’s how you win

Mary | Satoshi Club: For sure!!!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks for answers! And are you ready for the 6th and last question from this part?

Vlad | Mettalex,

Ok, great

Q6 from Telegram user @Brainchest

Please tell us about the Early Access program. What are the terms of participation. Should I be a trader with at least 2 or more years of experience in trading, or should I have the ability to trade at least $ 1000 or more? I also saw that community members are accepted. What are the conditions for them and what do you expect to get from a close relationship with them? Thanks.

Vlad | Mettalex: Great

The Early Access Program was dedicated to users who want to have a sneak peak into the Mettalex DEX and provide us with feedback on how to improve the UX/UI and even the backend

that was actually Phase 1 of the EAP, as we call it

EAP Phase 2 will involve trading competitions

and we are planning to announce the first one on Binance Smart Chain

users will be able to trade on several unique markets

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow! It will be attractive

Vlad | Mettalex: and compete for the highest profit

we have more than 1000 MTLX tokens for that one

and then we will launch a second one on Ethereum

with possibly the same rules and rewards

No need to be a trader of 2+ years

We initially thought of running these competitions on the testnets

Mary | Satoshi Club: We will be waiting for this competition announcement!

Vlad | Mettalex: but we may launch them on the mainnets, this hasn’t been finalized yet

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thanks, Vlad for your answers! It was really very interesting conversation!

Vlad | Mettalex : Sure, I hope they were useful

Mary | Satoshi Club: But we have our members waiting for live part

Are you ready for it?

Vlad | Mettalex: Ready.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Vlad! you are an amazing conversationalist and a wonderful speaker!

Vlad | Mettalex: I try

Part 2?—?live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @topind7

What edge do you have over your competitors that will prompt people to choose you over other similar projects?

Vlad | Mettalex: Less risk, perpetual LP rewards, and unique markets, to name a few.

Q2 from Telegram user @SutedjaDian

You are fully decentralized right? Then how will you verify a user? Is it like a CEX?


Vlad | Mettalex : MetaMask only initially, Yoti or Yoti-like possibly in the future depending on the regulatory environment.

Q3 from Telegram user @cryptoflower13

What is the relationship between FET tokens and MTLX tokens, which one should I own to invest, or is it indistinct?

Vlad | Mettalex : FET tokens are the fuel of the network. FET token holders were the first to receive MTLX by staking. They are distinct tokens, however.

Q4 from Telegram user @Xusuo

I saw that $MTLX is listing in CoinTiger Exchange but I dont see the announcement from Mettalex team, can you please give clarification about this?

Vlad | Mettalex : They have listed Mettalex on their own accord.

Q5 from Telegram user @AugusS7

really why use position tokens instead of conventional trading positions? Wouldn’t it be in the end, the same capital that would be being used as collateral in the positions?

Vlad | Mettalex : Capital efficiency?—?position tokens represent only a fraction of the spot price of an asset

Q6 from Telegram user @amybrow

Is your dex audited?

Vlad | Mettalex : It will be audited before it launches.

Q7 from Telegram user @banhamikhong

Can you give an overview of financial tokens #Mettalex ? Will the design of the token increase and decrease with the success of the platform, does it include any scarce pathways, such as equity, storage, or burning?

Vlad | Mettalex : Yes, part of the tradingn fees on Mettalex will be used for buybacks of MTLX, further decreasing the available supply?—?capped at 40m

Q8 from Telegram user @gansoll

Does Mettalex have offices in a certain country to take care of this project and its regulations on business and crypto?

Vlad | Mettalex : Mettalex and are based in Cambridge, UK.

Q9 from Telegram user @KASG95

currently only three companies participate in Mettalex, which are Ferrometrics, Bastug Metallurgy and Javelin Global Commodities, but do they really already have conversations to add to any other? Could you give us more detail?

Vlad | Mettalex :Yes, we will be looking to integrate more partners from the commodities world. Can’t disclose which ones yet

Q10 from Telegram user @chientha

Most investors focus only on the price of the token in the short term instead of the real value of the project. Can you state some new plans for users to invest in long term?

Vlad | Mettalex : Owning MTLX tokens represents a unique chance to own part of Mettalex when its valuation is still low. We believe that Mettalex services will become very valuable in the future.

Part 3?—?Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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