Media: the manufacturer of smart watches paid a multi-million dollar ransom for decrypting files

The manufacturer of a smart watch with a navigation system, Garmin, paid a ransom for the resumption of its services. This is reported by Sky News.

According to sources of the publication, the company transferred the buyout through a third-party firm Arete IR, which deals with such situations. After receiving the transfer, the hackers provided Garmin with a decryption key to restore the files.

It is unknown whether the hackers received the entire required amount of $10 million in cryptocurrency. Representatives of Garmin and Arete IR did not deny or confirm that they paid the ransom.

Recall that on July 23, Garmin was attacked by the WastedLocker encryption virus, which affected the infrastructure responsible for interaction and communication with customers, the call center, chats, technical support and mail.

Journalists suggested that Garmin did not make the payment directly because of possible involvement in the creation of the virus of the Russian group Evil Corp, which is under US sanctions.

However, Arete IR insisted that the WastedLocker virus is not associated with Evil Corp.