Listen token x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 18th of August

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Listen token and our guests was @TonyListen?—?representative of Listen token. The AMA took place on 18th of August.

The total reward pool was 500$ and has been split into 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Website

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Listen Token! Welcome to Satoshi Club

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Hello again, dear Satoshi Club community!

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Today our guest is @TonyListen ! Welcome to Satoshi Club

Tony Hollingsworth:

Thank you for having me.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, @TonyListen !

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Happy to e-meet you Tony! How’s going?

Tony Hollingsworth:

All good thank you.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Awesome, so, we can start our AMA

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Listen token?

Tell us please about your position in Listen token?

Tony Hollingsworth:

The Listen Tokens are being sold to fund The Listen Campaign. I’m the founder and director of the campaign and in the past I have produced nine of the world’s largest global broadcast events and campaigns. Each reached over 500m people. These included one to call for Mandela’s release (Nelson Mandela’s 70th Birthday Tribute) one to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of the two Germanies and one to celebrate Mandela’s release. Many of our team are media, film and music industry veterans and some our experts in social media and now, with the adoption of Listen Tokens and Listen NFTs we have experts from the blockchain and….. Crypto world?—?for instance Liam Robertson who leads the Alphabit Fund and has successfully launched many businesses based on blockchain tech.


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

it really speaks to us

What is the essence of Listen token?

Mary | Satoshi Club:

How did it happen that you got involved in crypto industry?

Tony Hollingsworth:

It’s a token that provides the holder with many benefits. But its main purpose is to help fund The Listen campaign for 1 billion vulnerable and disadvantaged children around the world. I got involved in crypto via my son who has been investing in crypto businesses for some years.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Oh, your son is very clever

Now you can benefit cryptocomunity with your experience

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

It’s amazing. and the fact that you are doing charity work thanks to your business and that your son involved you in crypto!

Also, we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes, it’s a meeting of different paths.

I’m the founder and CEO, Marcelo Salup heads up the media section and he has run many ad agencies, Chris is the CFO and he has run one of the UK’s largest film companies, Preeta is the commercial director in India, Sivan is the Exec Producer in South Africa and the list goes on and on. Its a very big campaign.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Sure ready.

Q1 from Telegram user @andrey_seleznov

Hi Listen!

I see many very well known names in the Tribute NFT collection on your website, exciting list! Are these stars all onboard the listen project already or some are plans to be approached in the future? Please share some stories, how did you manage to get those stars onboard the Listen project, was it hard or not so much? I don’t think many of them dealt with crypto before, do you involve them into the crypto or do they serve as public figures and share their IP for NFT art pieces without going deep into the crypto ecosystem?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Hi Andrey, We are launching the “Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop” at the beginning of October by starting to auction off NFTs made from my archive of the past nine global broadcast events. This is the list of artists you can see on . These auctions will run regularly until we get to the announcement of the artists in The Listen Campaign on March 30th 2022. After that the NFTs will be of the stars and artists participating in The Listen Campaign?—?over 100/year , plus the creativity contributed by the Listen Community. The stars and artists are not deep into the workings of the crypto system and blockchain but most have heard of NFTs.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Can you share some famous names with our community?

Tony Hollingsworth:

There are over 200 artists in our archive. These include Nelson Mandela, Whitney Houston, Dire Straits, Sting, George Michael, Stevie Wonder, Denzel Washington, Richard Gere, Bob Dylan, Jon Bon Jovi, Roger Waters,…the list goes on.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Wow, that’s stars list

Tony Hollingsworth:

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you Tony for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for your answers

Tony Hollingsworth:


Q2 from Telegram user @yellowchamp

According to your website that in a decade the Listen campaign should generate $4 billion of media exposure, activate a community of 35 million participants and provide $1bn of grants to children’s projects. So as what I have see your goal will become possible if you will be backed up by some good partnership especially from media and a great community support, so does your platform already negotiate to some big company or platforms to help you achieve your goals? Do you also negotiate some media platforms to help you generate some media exposure? What is your plan to gain or attract more people to be part of your campaign? As you aim to grants $1bn to children’s projects,what kind of project for children you plan to spend for this $1bn? For 10 years,in what possibility that you can collect or save up to $1bn from Listen campaign? Thank you

Tony Hollingsworth:

That’s lots of questions. Yes we have many media partners and some are the largest in the world. For instance in the US our largest media partner is ABC/Disney. In India it is Zee TV, In sub-saharan Africa it is Viacom, in the MENA DMI etc. They, with streaming partners, an active social media campaign and many other traditional media partners will provide the platform upon which we achieve our exposure of the problems faced by vulnerable and disadvantaged children and the solutions to their problems. The Listen Campaign allows the public to participate in 19 different ways of which only one is a donation. You can be poor in Botswana and help the campaign or rich in NY. In the first year 75 children’s projects will receive grants ,each a project that is proven, scalable and replicable. Each one celebrated by the campaign.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

So, you will decide where to donate or you will let your community to make suggestions?

Tony Hollingsworth:

We are choosing 75 projects in the first year. The community can propose projects for the second year.

Mary | Satoshi Club:


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Sо, over time you are planning elements of the DAO?

Tony Hollingsworth:

There is a great deal of specialist work over many months that goes into selecting projects that are exemplary, proven, scalable and replicable. So the community can propose but each one has to be looked into deeply and the right mixture and global distribution chosen.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thank you very much for your answers! Ready for the next question?

Tony Hollingsworth:


Q3 from Telegram user @Asela1112

You hope to launch “Listen auction of Tribute NFTs” in Q4–2021. It includes most philosophic Characters, actors, Musicians such as Nelson Mandela, Denzel Washington, David Bowie etc.. So can any one participate in this Upcoming auction & buy NFTs that we love? I think, You will be funded a large amount through this Auction. For what will these fundraisings be adopted within Listen Token ecosystem in future? What will be the price range of these Tribute NFTs as you intend? Please share with us more secrets about Tribute NFTs auction & privileges by buying some of those NFTs?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes the Tribute NFTs should be wonderful and they are of many famous people. We are not setting a top price as its an auction and we want to raise as much money as possible to fund The Listen Campaign.

You have to buy some Listen Tokens ($LSTN) to be able to participate in the auctions. These tokens provide lots of benefits:

The right to bid for the Star Creative Artist’s NFTs in the monthly auctions which are only open to $LSTN holders; the more tokens you hold, the better access you get.

‘Silver Badge’ status for every 250,000 to 499,999 $LSTN staked for 30 days, entitling the user to a five percent discount on their purchases in the Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop.

‘Gold Badge’ status for every 500,000 + $LSTN staked for 30 days, entitling the user to a ten percent discount on their purchases in the Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop.

The right to vote for the winners of The Listen Creative Arts Awards (see below).

The accrual of Listen Points (Listen Points are the loyalty reward system of the Listen Campaign and provide each holder with exclusive benefits and prize entries, including discounts on tickets, merchandise and Pay Per View streaming):

Users who “stake” 5,000 $LSTN on the official Auction and Shop site will earn 100 Listen points per month (per 5,000 $LSTN staked). 0 Users who purchase Collectibles in the Auction Site and Shop will be rewarded with Listen Points.

Automatic entry into a lottery to win two “Private View” tickets to watch the whole of “Listen Live LA” involving at least 28 Star Musician, 12 Film Stars and world leaders on Monday, June 20th, 2022 at the LA Coliseum, whilst dancing and having a banquet on the field, with the stars, their friends and families. $LSTN holders allocated 100 tickets.

A free ticket for the global streaming of Listen Live Plus on June 22nd 2022 if the token holder has staked over 10,000 $LSTN for the 30 days preceding June 15th 2022.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

What is the price of 1 $LSTN?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Where can i buy $LSTN?

Tony Hollingsworth:

They are first available on Launchpool at US$0.016. early September.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you, that’s clear!

Ready to proceed?

Tony Hollingsworth:


Q4 from Telegram user @victorogb

Bringing together a global assembly of stars, celebrities, brands, content creators with a global media presence working together on a 52 weeks long event, spanning accross all regions of the world and in over 90+ languages, is really no mean feat and massive commendations should go to the team and organisers of the Listen Campaign. In recognition of this and looking from an organisational and planning standpoint, how will the team effectively pull up resources and the much needed manpower for such a massive event, how has the collaborative efforts with celebrities, iconic figures and artists been so far, and talking marketing, how would this vital aspect be properly implemented?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes it’s a big effort and it involves lots of companies and partners all looking after separate parts of the campaign. Some are looking after the making of “ Listen Live” at the LA Coliseum in Los Angeles, some the global streaming, some the global broadcast. Others are producing the TV series, the social media campaigns etc. Marketing is a major part of the campaign and we have some of the worlds best specialists looking after this. The media team including digital media is being lead by Marcelo Salup who has headed up many media agencies in his life. Loads of experience.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Can you give us a list of your partners, i am sure it’s impressive!

Tony Hollingsworth:

I don’t have list in front but I mentioned the major broadcast partners above and they already allow us to reach 200 countries.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Oh, got it! Thank you for your answers!

Ready to jump to the next question?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes, please.

Q5 from Telegram user @Arisabela

I saw you’ll implement a loyalty reward system through Listen Points, you mention on your whitepaper that the Listen Campaign will provide each holder with exclusive benefits and prize entries, can you explain the ways to earn Listen Points? Is it only by staking your token $LSTN? Or can be earned through different mechanism? Also, what consists of the hierarchy of this reward system?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes you get Listen Points when you buy tokens or you shop in “Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop” but you can also get them in 19 other ways. The listen community are rewarded with points when they : share content, recruit friends, suggest news stories, create videos, art, music, short stories, enter promotions, organise sub communities, give their thoughts and tell us about themselves. Listen points allow you to enter big prize draws and get discounts off merchandising, tickets, SVOD and they can be exchange for sponsor’s loyalty points. They can also be gifted to the 75 children’s charity projects.


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Do your users need to pass KYC?

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Do you have any guidance on this topic? We love rewards here and i am sure Satoshiclubbers will join with pleasure

Tony Hollingsworth:

Very happy to have Satoshi Club members join the Listen Community. To get Listen points you don’t need to do KYC.

Mary | Satoshi Club:

That’s a great news!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Many thanks for your answers

Mary | Satoshi Club:

Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the 6th and last question from this part?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes, please.

Q6 from Telegram user @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady

In collaboration with LaunchPool, Listen allocated a percentage of $LSTN to a token event called an Allocation Mining Event (AME). Can you tell us more details with regards to this event? Is the event still ongoing? What are the criteria for taking part in the $LSTN AME?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes its happening early September and anyone can take part. This is actually explained step by step at the bottom of, and you can also register for our Guestlist on that page and we will contact you when the event is about to take place with detailed step by step instructions.


Mary | Satoshi Club:

Awesome! Don’t forget to share this news with us

Part 2?—?live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram user @Karry1999

Can you talk about the audience reach of the listen to campaign and is the campaign also on news items, social media, and tv series?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes The Listen Campaign is across all social media and traditional media. It should reach an audience of 500m each year. I’ve done this nine time before when the world’s population was smaller and harder to reach. For instance the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute reached 600m when there were only 5 billion in the world.

Q2 from Telegram user @ysasoma

I read that Listen Token gives fans access to exclusive NFTs from the best actors, musicians, artists and writers in the world, but how will you get them to contribute to you, what strategies will you use to attract them and how will you demonstrate that Listen Token will really help the underprivileged children of the world and that you are not building this project simply to benefit a few. Also could you tell us, currently what exclusive NFTs you have or are about to launch and if you have any system where users can request NFTs from specific celebrities or if there is any way that we the users can help you to attract artists to the platform?

Tony Hollingsworth:

The stars and creative artists come into The Listen Campaign and give their rights to be used in lots of ways, TV, Streaming, social, news and NFTs. The rights come in a bundle.

The artists sign up because they can see that the whole campaign helps vulnerable and disadvantaged children. It does it in three big ways. Firstly it shows the world the problems these kids face and solutions to those problems. Secondly, it develops a community to help. Thirdly it raises donations.

Q3 from Telegram user @cryptoneco

From your website, “Every year, the world’s top 100 Creative Star Artists and tens of thousands of Citizen Artists from the Arts, Digital Art, Literature, Music and Film fields will contribute to the Campaign and create unique content.”

Why did you set a limited number of 100 people, what if there is much more interest? How is the interest of the artists in the project at the moment, do you have any numerical data?

Tony Hollingsworth:

We are not limiting anything to 100 people. We will have over 100 major stars and creative artists and will make NFTs from their contributions. And we ask the community to also create videos, art, music, short stories and we expect 10s of thousands of these. The “citizen artists” can also enter their contribution into The Listen Creative Arts Awards and the winners get shown in the global broadcast to 100’s of millions.

Q4 from Telegram user @andrey_seleznov

I learned from your litepaper that the Listen Campaign digital collectibles NFTs will be minted on the Flow blockchain. I imagine Flow is not the most popular blockchain at the moment, probably not too many crypto enthusiasts ever used it or have a wallet that supports it. Can you share what were the main driving factors behind choosing Flow? I realize ETH is not very energy efficient and scares users with high gas fees, but for example BSC solves those issues and has a very large user base now. What other chains have you considered during the design phase?

Tony Hollingsworth:

We chose Flow because it is faster, more scalable, and far more energy-efficient (“greener”) than Ethereum. Additionally, users who buy, sell, and trade Listen NFTs on Flow will not have to pay high transaction fees like on Ethereum. A third contributing factor is the ability to natively integrate fiat payments, as the Campaign is appealing to a global audience, we did not want to restrict our user experience to only those who own ETH and already have an Ethereum wallet.

Q5 from Telegram user @Tahsinahmett

What is Listen NFT’s most ambitious goal that sets it apart from your competitors? What are your new developments and updates?

Tony Hollingsworth:

The Listen Campaigns goals are helping vulnerable and disadvantaged children around the world. We do this by creating a global campaign of many different parts?—?over 62 social media items, a influencer campaign, two TV/Streaming series, two major promotions, a feature documentary , live events, a global streaming event and a global broadcast event. As part of this we have the “Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop” where people can buy NFTs. This income supports the campaign which asks the public to give donations. We expect an average of $100m/yr in donations.

However, raising donations is not the only way the campaign helps children. The Listen Campaign also does the communications job that the children’s charity sector cannot do?—?getting the world to Listen to the problems faced by 1 billion (before Covid) very vulnerable and disadvantaged children and celebrating the solutions that the charity sector has?—?wonderful projects in the field.

Q6 from Telegram user @Kathdm

As you mention, The current NFT landscape exists tangential to the cryptocurrency market. While providing certain benefits such as liquidity and technology rails, usage of these platforms remains low, as barriers to entry are high for the average consumer. The main pain points include a complex process that involves purchasing cryptocurrency (to purchase the NFT, and pay for transaction fees). This process is overly burdensome and prohibitive for the vast majority of potential consumers. What solutions do you provide to this? Do you accept other payment methods at Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop besides cryptocurrencies? Isn’t it a requirement to have a METAMASK or Trust Wallet?

Tony Hollingsworth:

The “Listen Collectibles Auction and Shop” will allow people to bid and buy in Fiat or Crypto it also introduces them to Wallets in a simple way.

Q7 from Telegram user @Cheriemike

The Listen Campaign run 52 weeks per year and you expect the campaign will involve 160 major creative artists from film, music, art, and literature,80 famous stars around the world, and 20 who are big in each of India, Africa, MENA, and Latin America and will be creating or performing for the campaign and we will make NFTs from their contributions and Auction them off regularly. My question is, Is it just top and famous stars that are giving the opportunity to participate in the creating and auctioning off their own NFTs?How about citizens of states/countries or new upcoming artists are they not inclusive of creating NFTs for the Listen Campaign?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes anyone can create for the campaign and their content will be used to grow the campaign. If they enter their art, music, video, story into The Listen Creative Arts Awards they have the opportunity to win prizes, and if they get 1st prize they are shown to 100s of millions. First, the community vote, then the Listen Token holders vote, then the stars choose the finalists. Some completely unknown could win and have their career launched to 100s of millions.

Q8 from Telegram user @gdjshskksh

Is my personal data safe in this project? Is your project’s data security technology completely safe for the customer?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Yes, your data is safe with us. We are using a high-security system and will never sell your data to anyone.

Q9 from Telegram user @Jodasf

Competition is fierce, so I would like to know how Listen Token will stand out from its competitors, what are the unique features that will allow you to attract users and get them to use your platform?

Tony Hollingsworth:

We are the only Token and NFT project that is part of a campaign reaching 500 million people each year. We are also the only NFT project that has a built-in stream of major star artists and citizen artists.

Q10 from Telegram user @sophiejohnson1

What event caused the Listen NFT to be born for unlucky children? Was it just for a charitable mission?

Tony Hollingsworth:

Having produce nine of the world’s largest global broadcast events and campaigns, each reaching audiences of a 500million or more, I semi-retired to look after my kids. During this time I looked at many causes that might need an annual and global media campaign. The one that had universal appeal was helping vulnerable and disadvantaged children. People are far kinder humanitarians when they look at kids. It was on the top of my list and then one night it all became obvious. I was walking one of my boys around as he was ill and needed the motion to sleep. I was also listening to BBC World Service Radio and heard a young African mother being interviewed about her baby had just died of diarrhea. It would have cost 10 cents for the rehydration sachet but she had no money and no clean water. Her baby had died for lack of 10cents. If mine just coughed strangely we could call a doctor. The unfairness of the situation made me commit to developing an annual & global media campaign to help vulnerable a disadvantaged children.

Part 3?—?Quiz Results

In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Listen token. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 300$.

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