Let's talk crypto (ada, matic, eth...) and other good stuff

Hello all! I just wanted to take the time to let everyone know that I have now started my own business called MJCarlsonStrategies (website coming). Please feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelcarlson0822 and also my brand new YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdHp8jCh7Fg397Yoi5uZgTg). FEEDBACK WELCOME!

Here is the deal - I am a corporate M&A attorney by trade, but my passion has now driven me to learn as much as possible as cryptocurrency investments along with other investments that you may not be aware of or fall outside of a managed portfolio. I worked hard for my money and so do you. My goal is to learn about your goals and help you develop your own strategy based on my own strategy and holdings. Not financial advice and I am not a financial advisor. I am a smart attorney who loves reading, writing, earning money and helping as many people as possible achieve some financial freedom.

At the end of the day, money ties us down to so many things - jobs we don't like, vacations we can't take, you name it. If you could only build up another stream of income and look at it 2 years down the road and say "WOW! I am so glad I did that!", wouldn't that be awesome? That is what my vision is - to help folks gain a little more financial freedom and self-empowerment along the way. I think if people didn't worry so much about money, then they could begin to focus on their passions - things that make them HAPPY!

Let me know your goals and how I can help!