Lessons learned from the Bitcoin conference in Stockholm (Sweden)

Last Sunday, March 26, I was at Stockholm University where the annual Bitcoin conference called “Bitcoinsymposium” in Sweden was organized by the Swedish Bitcoin Association and Crypto Students Stockholm. The event had around 30 participants and speakers. 

From my experience, here are some lessons learned:

  1. It will take longer until more people in Sweden and other parts of the EU start using Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in daily life. 

One of the main challenges is that it is still seen and experienced as impractical and hard to use Bitcoin to buy goods and services such as food and transportation. 

Me and my girlfriend Aditi Bahadur at the conference 

2. Our global civilization and humanity need help with monetary policies and systems. In several ways, mistakes and stupidity that were done during the Roman empire are being repeated. 

When central banks or governments print money, they create many problems such as inflation and easy credits benefitting already bigger banks and businesses, also known as “socialism for the rich”. One thing we can learn from Roman history is that the Roman silver coins lost their real amount of silver as different emperors were devaluating and creating new money for their political agendas and governance of the empire. 

By Ioni Appelberg 

One of the speakers, Ioni Appelberg, presented Bitcoin as a solution against civilization collapse and for the improvement of humanity. 

Veg foodie during the conference. 

3. Decentralization is the solution but resistance and hostilities can increase 

During the conference, several speakers agreed in common discussion things such as:

a) Governments will not give up their monetary control and sovereignty without a fight, even if it includes authoritarian and anti-democratic actions 

b) Decentralization should be achieved “at a slow pace” so that enough people are familiar and comfortable with Bitcoin, crypto, blockchain, and other factors enabling the creation of a critical mass that can go against arbitrary governments 

c) Bitcoiners and others need to support each other through communities, political activism, civic engagement, and giving BTC to each other to create more awareness, inclusiveness, and solidarity. 

Weikko Aejmelaeus speaking about Fedimint solution for Bitcoin usage 

The conference also featured Arsha Safarzadeh co-creator of the Bitcoin School (Bitcoinskolan) in Swedish and Tiktok Bitcoin influencer Ammy Edberg aka BTChick who spoke about their experiences with Bitcoin and activism, including about why crypto as Bitcoin is important for people in developing countries as in Africa. 

Arsha Safarzadeh talked about crypto in relation to inflation and deflation 

Do you go to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency community meetings? What are your thoughts and reflections? 

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