John McAfee Says “Something Fishy” in the Coronavirus Death Rate in US

Computer scientist and McAfeeDEX founder John McAfee is known to speak his mind freely, which has landed him in several controversies. Unexpectedly, McAfee has been among those prominent voices who have termed Coronavirus as an overexaggerated disease. And now, he is raising questions on the death rate of COVID-19 patients in the United States.

In a series of tweets on Sunday, the anti-virus pioneer stated that New York City recording 11,000 COVID-19 deaths, 250 times more than Tokyo (93), the word’s densest city, fishy. Both the cities, he said, have had the virus for the same amount of time, and Tokyo never went into lockdown.

The Coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 207,000 out of the total of 3 million+ infected patients in at least 210 countries. More than a third of the total countries in the world are under lockdown, which has caused serious economic dents to the global economy. In a subsequent tweet, McAfee noted the fact that the COVID death rate in the US was almost seven times greater than the global average, also highlighting that two-thirds of the world never went under lockdown. As of date, more than 55,000 people have lost their battle with the deadly virus, which infected over 987,000 people in the US.

A few weeks ago, McAfee formulated a couple of conspiracy theories and argued that the Coronavirus pandemic is being hyper-exaggerated, stating that more people die every day due to influenza and diarrhea. And now, he indirectly claimed that the reason behind the COVID death rate in NYC being 200 times higher than the 10 largest cities in the world is because the federal government is granting $39,000 per patient to US Hospitals.