Jan. 17th: How Kleros fucked a user out of 50ETH, biggest NFT influencers of 2021.

Moody’s downgraded El Salvador’s sovereign debt because of the country’s Bitcoin purchases. Fast forward two years when Bitcoin keeps mooning, stock markets crash, and El Salvador downgrades Moody’s for shady ratings and archaic understanding of finance.

In a curious case, Kleros offered 50ETH back in 2018 to anyone who’d sneak a cat pic for a shiba inu one past its randomized juror system but then denied the winner his money using a counterclaim based on a technicality. Kleros then proceeded to change their name to Kleptos. 

Decrypt published a list of the biggest NFT influencers of 2021, which surprising includes Steve Harvey and Snoop Dogg and, unsurprisingly, does not include @randobotscammerxxx who just DMd you about getting a free BAYC. 

YouTuber, Paco de la India, is traveling the world spending only Bitcoin, finding use cases of it even for covid tests. Of course, like most travelers, he spends the most money on gas.

The government of Spain will implement new rules for crypto ads that will require every add to use the word “corazon” at least once.

And that’s it for this dose of crypto noncense. If you liked it, please subscribe and tell your friends. More noncense soon.