It is no secret that there has been some wild days in crypto, and many have opted out in fear that their assets will not be safe

It is no secret that there has been some wild days in crypto, and many have opted out in fear that their assets will not be safe if they continue dealing in it.

I dont blame them, because its as if the entire crypto ecosystem was that guy in the movie The Fugitive. Just an innocent currency that one day was happy at $68,000, and the next it fell to $16,000 after being framed for killing investors confidence.

But, this isnt going to be the end of the story. Not if the Fed and SEC, and governments, and elites worldwide have anything to say about it. They dont think us little folk know anything, and we need to be held by the hand because navigating life is difficult and only they can save us.

Obviously, no man can save us, not Trump, who several love even though he was the reason I left the USA for Mexico after pushing Operation Warp Speed, and certainly not the thief in the oval office now. The military wont, and neither will Russia or China if, (they wont, but propaganda saying they will if they had the chance is heavy) they decide to come and take our land from us.

Being a christian, I know that only the Almighty can, and will, and until then, he gave us brains to figure things out on our own. We need to DO something to combat this One World Nonsense. We need to do it NOW before 2024, and our ability to take control of our lives has left.

What do we do, now that all of this is happening in OUR space? We fight fire with fire. And I am talking about Ignoring them. But how is that fire with fire? Because our voices as an individual, and as a group, are bing ignored by the elite, and the governments worldwide when we ask to be LEFT ALONE! Now, we need to ignore THEM when they want us to follow their marching orders. 

It is past time to take back OUR space from the likes of SBF, SEC, the FED, and anyone else who will see crypto burn. This isnt something they want, so we will force non-compliance on them. We will IGNORE their fear mongering, their lies, and FORCE them to see, we dont care about their "rules", when NONE of them follow them in the first place. "Do as I SAY, not as I do!"

We need ideas to get this moving, and we need them quick! So, after this post, I will be posting about the cryptos I FEEL we should stay away from, and why. Then, there will be a post following where I give ideas as to how to create a place where folks are free from regulation, and free to do commerce without the FED or any other gov. agency crying.

 So, please give us all your ideas concerning taking back this space from those who wish to destroy it for their own gains. We should have had enough of this insanity by now, and must take control of our own futures.

See you all in the next post!