I'm Investing Into Something Bigger Than Now....

What are you looking for other than profits when comes to investing? Some may say they’re looking for the thrill and speculative excitement. For a young investor like myself, I’d say investing for the future. I’m invested into mostly disruptive technology that could change the entire economy. Investments that are still speculative for now but a norm 10-20 years down the road. Investments that I could tell my kids and tell them the fundamentals about it.

Times Were Different

If you’re thinking that this might not work because of how tough it is for picking a company that’d be profitable over the long period of time like Apple and Google. I wouldn’t disagree with you. Back then, those blue chip companies are like finding a needle in the haystack. Many would doubt they would make it. However, there are definitely some who had beliefs in them and may still have held till now, telling their kids about it.

I Diversify My Portfolio

Disruptive technology ETFs and coin picking are the investments I’d go for at the start of my investing journey. Growth oriented rather than value oriented for now. Some may disagree with my moves I understand. Everyone has different risk tolerance and beliefs. After all, stocks that are now value oriented were once growth oriented. I personally have conviction in the upcoming impact from the investments I’ve made. I find that conviction  is the most important aspect when comes to investing. Conviction is different from falling in love with an investment.


Would this be like the dotcombubble where all things would come to an end first before the rise of another technology era? For this, we would never know so just stop guessing it. What we know was that people who invested the dotcombubble eventually profited if they were to not sell their fundamentally strong asset 10 years after.

What are your views on this? What are you bullish on now and in 2032?

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Referrals Promo Codes: For CRYPTO.COM app - Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/md5ty7gyjx to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $25 USD :)

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All of these are merely my knowledge and not financial advice. Please do your own due diligence and have conviction before investing. The information above is based on many hours of research out of my own curiosity/interest in YouTube, Google, blogs and discord communities. Leveraging & filtering information from other crypto enthusiasts and analysts.