How You Can Donate Crypto To Fight Autism

The number of charities and non-profit organizations accepting crypto continues to grow, and now it looks like the Autism Science Foundation (ASF) has become the latest firm to say “yes” to BTC.

You Can Fight Autism Through Crypto Donations

If you’ve ever fancied using bitcoin to combat one of the world’s biggest issues, now may be the time. The ASF – a non-profit that seeks continued funding to research autism – says it is now accepting cryptocurrency donations to help it stay in practice. Thus far, the ASF has stated it will accept Ethereum, bitcoin, USD Coin (USDC), Dogecoin, Litecoin, bitcoin cash, and Dai.

Alison Singer – the co-founder and president of ASF – expressed her enthusiasm for the growing crypto space in a recent interview. She stated:

We are thrilled to expand our fundraising mechanisms to now include cryptocurrency, which allows both individuals and corporations yet another way to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with autism. The crypto community, through their generous backing of our upcoming Wall Street Rides FAR fundraiser, has been hugely supportive of our mission, and we’re delighted to offer them an additional way to donate.

Bitcoin has served primarily as a speculative asset, in which a person could potentially get rich overnight granted they invested intelligently. Now, over the course of a year and a half, bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies have become hedge tools, or rather items that can keep one’s wealth steady and safe during times of economic strife. Many charities, however, are beginning to view crypto as a product that can increase their funding and ensure their work continues for the greater good.

Brad Vopni – head of digital assets for the trading firm Hudson River Trading – explained:

With the crypto trading community further intersecting with the traditional financial world, we hoped that we’d see even more participation by crypto firms this year, but we’ve been absolutely blown away by their involvement, both in terms of ridership and sponsorship commitment. I know I speak for the entire board when I say that we’re thrilled to see ASF further innovate in this manner and make it even easier for this group to contribute to this extremely worthy cause.

An Easy Way to Give…

Sina Nader – the chief operating officer at the cryptocurrency exchange FTX.US – also mentioned in a statement that there are too many people and families in the world that have been impacted by autism, and that these crypto donations could potentially ease the pain they are feeling. Nader says:

Too many of us have been impacted by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or know someone who is. We’re very proud to support ASF’s mission to advance innovative autism science that can lead to real breakthroughs and are pleased to see them add this important new donation mechanism that will make it even easier for this generous community of ours to give.