How to relieve stress in Cryptocurrency

I know some of you especially the newbies experiencing this stress especially if the price of coin/token we buy is declining like this. 

I've been there too and my first tip to you as a newbie don't panic sell your holdings instead buy more during this red sale and search the latest news why that specific coin is decreasing. 

But some traders/hodlers can't stop thinking of this problem so I will share you how to manage your stress.

We all deal this stress especially the money we hard earn and invested in cryptocurrency. 

I feel anxious too and keep worrying the whole night that makes it impossible to relax and fall asleep. Due to the less sleep the next day, it becomes difficult to function well.

But don't worry there some simple ways to deal with this cryptocurrency stress we experience.

Practice deep breathing

Inhale oxygen, hold on your breath for a second or two and then slowly exhale. Practice this breathing technique at rhythmic intervals and you will soon see your muscles getting back to normal and your heart slowing down. 

Put your right hand to use

The right side of the brain is an emotional one from where the feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear originate, while the left side of the brain is a logical one. Contrastingly, the right brain gets activated by clenching your left hand and the left side by clenching your right hand. So, the moment stress takes over, put your right hand to work, clench it frantically, and help your logical brain to fight the feeling.

Be in gratitude

When stressed, think of the hundred positive things that you can be thankful about. Be in gratitude for them instead of thinking about the stressful situation which will soon be knocked out. The moment you start focusing on the positive, stress loses its intensity and you will naturally feel better.