How MASQ Can Be A Tool For Journalists To Report In Restricted Countries?


Have you wondered at the fate of community journalism in restricted countries and how things can be remediated? In recent times, it has increasingly become possible to restrict the kind and calibre of information in circulation by enacting binding laws upon free speech. However, community journalism still serves as a means to capture the priorities of the citizens, as well as their concerns and their diversity of voices. Although community media and mass media have served at different levels and delivered some measure of justice to the people, journalism is still considered to be restricted in over two-thirds of the globe (Reporters without Borders). The restriction on journalism has been discovered to be seriously impeded in over 73 nations and constrained in over 50 others.  

A dive into journalism restriction

It is clear that restriction in journalism contradicts its very core principle centred on freedom of the press. The basic principle of journalism states: 

Seek truth and report it. Be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

Contrary to what obtains, some countries in the Asia-Pacific region exercised a perfect totalitarian measure of control of information during the Covid-19 pandemic. In its scheme of things, the Asia-Pacific region operates repressive traditions that make press freedom very difficult, hence its peculiar disposition during a pandemic. The Malaysian government imbibed in its scheme of administration, the use of emergency powers to make it a criminal offence to create, disseminate or publish fake news relating to the virus or proclamation of emergency in the country. Other countries like China made it a priority to monitor internet censorship and surveillance in line with its propaganda at a different level—also very active during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In Egypt, publications of non-governmental pandemic figures were banned and several people got arrested for the circulation of figures that were larger than the ‘official’ numbers. The country that ranked the best in press freedom for the fifth year also shifted its ranking, as there were claims about its denial to grant journalists access to pandemic related government information 

The recent pandemic revealed the extent of restricted journalism in different countries of the world, and clearly presents the challenges that journalists in the world have to go through, despite the limiting effect of different government schemes and binding policies.

Freedom of Journalism and expression: Safe community interaction

The government has the power to make an active contribution to independent journalism and safe expressions. Free, independent and diverse media are essential for the communication of information to the larger populace. Although restrictions can be kept on traditional media, social media and print media, journalism as the voice of the people has to be kept healthy to uphold the dissemination of essential information. For the populace to enjoy the freedom of expression and information online and other mediums, standards have to be developed based on human rights to preserve and protect the free cross-border flow of legal content.

But what do we do in restricted communities?

In restricted communities where the government sets the pace and infringes on the right of proper journalism, decentralised internet can be an effective route to remediate this inadequacy. Tools like VPNs, open source privacy protocols and Tor are useful for creating communication that are resistant to censorship, but unfortunately many of these tools are trackable, can be shut down by governments and are even punishable if users are caught. Through the use of superior next-generation privacy software advanced technology, a "worldwide" community of users can be created to build an uncensored global web and further propagate true privacy and anonymity, thus promoting internet freedom.

What is Privacy software about?

Irrespective of the user's location in real-time, privacy software encourages easy access to different content from any part of the globe, while protecting the identity of its user, especially to a malicious third party. This mechanism is a needed edge for journalism and independent reporters. Through the integration of privacy software like MASQ in communities, a leading-edge networking protocol can be created which is founded on a privacy-based ecosystem. Not only will the journalist remain untraceable, but the information will also gain freedom of expression and dissemination, without the restrictive access from governmental binding laws.

The Safe Community Advantage

The formation of a privacy-based ecosystem like MASQ Network acts as a decentralised mesh network that can connect multiple users globally. Each user can become a node and connect privately to other users in a pseudo-anonymous way. The nodes make up the fabric of the mesh and become more powerful as the network grows. Therefore, information circulation in restricted countries can reinforce the true essence of real journalism and can be a very important tool to be utilized.

The way forward?

Communal adaptability and flexibility determine the ability of a group of people to embrace change. How easy it will be for journalists in different countries to gain access to the use of a decentralised mesh network cannot be easily predicted. But the way forward to encourage accurate information dissemination and undiluted journalism in restricted countries might just be hinged on giving "leading-edge" technology a warm embrace.

Incorporating a privacy-based ecosystem like MASQ Network is the way to go!