Hiredd.com launches free India job search platform amid  COVID-19 pandemic

It’s no news that the recent coronavirus pandemic has resulted in large-scale unemployment worldwide. Hiredd.com has come up with a free job search platform in India for companies to hire these job seekers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has really caused a lot of hardship worldwide as individuals and corporate organizations can not carry out their daily activities due to forced lockdown. India is no exception as Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has extended the lockdown till the 3rd of May. 

Hiredd.com launches today

The job search platform has launched today, 14th April 2020 according to its press release. Hiredd.com is owned by TimesNext media and it aims at providing job opportunities for both young and old including students and young employees. 

Free India job search work-from-home platform

With the lockdown not looking to end anytime soon, even as we are optimistic that this will only last for a while, you can take advantage of this event by sticking your head in the Blockchain and Bitcoin Industry. Hiredd.com is just that platform that you need to try your luck in the employment market if you’re interested in blockchain/cryptocurrency. 

Hiredd.com is the leading job search platform in India. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing, you can just explore this platform. With the blockchain industry recording a very low number of developers, you can search for jobs related to the position of a blockchain developer.

While remote companies are looking to hire blockchain developers, this is a great time for you to work and enhance your future capabilities. Hiredd.com also offers blockchain Internship jobs.

Find and post jobs for free on Hiredd.com

Once registered, Hiredd allows its users to post jobs for free. Therefore, students and job seekers can easily get jobs from registered companies and organizations on this awesome platform with simple keyword search feature.

With a simple verification process, you can register your company and find capable individuals who are willing to work for you by posting jobs for free.

Tags: bitcoin adoptionblockchaincryptocurrencyindiajob