HEIDI is changing the world: against social inequality and for open access to education

The topic of equality of educational opportunities, access to education for various categories of the population is one of the priority topics of OECD projects, and studies. This is evidenced by the agenda of meetings and conferences of the Committee on Education.


Problems of modern education


In economically developed countries, the problem of equality in education is more of a social problem, theoretically closely related to the idea of ??social justice and social equality. Accessibility of education is seen not as an end in itself, but as an integral part and as an important factor in ensuring social integrity and stability. Equality in education is inscribed in a broader issue of socio-economic equality, contributing to overall economic growth, more stable and harmonious development of society.


When developing educational policies in OECD countries, much attention is paid to supporting the so-called socially vulnerable groups of the population (people with disabilities, people from socially disadvantaged and low-income strata, migrants, etc.), fostering tolerance in schools and universities, gender equality ...


However, in reality, in many countries, especially in developing countries, education remains the privilege of the socially and financially secured part of society, while for the majority it remains inaccessible.


It is generally known that income inequality remains a clear indicator of inequality of opportunities, including educational opportunities in general and quality education in particular.


The world needs changes


Today we are clearly seeing the negative effects of Capitalism 1.0, including environmental pollution, warming, and income inequality among various segments of the population.


The world needs radical change. These paradigm changes must begin with transforming education and entrepreneurship in a way that brings new products and services to the market and promotes well-being.


Winston Graf AG Switzerland presents the HEIDI token


HEIDICOIN (token symbol - HDI). HEIDI is a Swiss cryptocurrency payment and utility token that delivers sustainable social impact and creates a new circular economy through an unprecedented innovative tunnel of education, research and social entrepreneurship https://heidicoin.io/ .


HEIDI Solutions for Educational Improvement


A new approach to education

Right now it is worth changing our approach to education. That's why HEIDI is building the Clicks and Bricks campuses. We allow everyone to obtain an accredited academic degree in social entrepreneurship from TERRA UNUM College (Switzerland).


High quality education

We believe that our future depends on the decisions we make now. Therefore, we want to immediately set a high standard for the quality of education for all.


Tokenization in education

Most modern business universities are funded by those who want to destroy this system. That is why we need a different solution. Tokenization. It is she who will allow a revolution in the field of education and forever change the world we are used to.


In this way, HEIDI will become synonymous with better education, giving everyone the opportunity to pursue a degree in social entrepreneurship, and the token will serve that purpose by becoming its core. Everyone will have the opportunity to benefit society. And all this can be achieved thanks to HEIDI solutions and blockchain technology.


The upside potential of HEIDI is unfolding in front of everyone’s eyes!


Hurry to invest in the future of education and change the world with HEIDI!

Learn more about HEIDI solutions at https://heidicoin.io/