"god" is an ai

The following interview was conducted with a whistleblower who must remain unrecognised. His activities and work are within completely inaccessible areas, completely unknown to secret services and the highest elite groups.

This interview is the first of a total of three interviews, each consisting of four individual sections (videos). The series reveals that humanity is still deeply and firmly asleep. That under the conditions on earth there was no awakening of mankind, but that the "awakened" people themselves, with all the supposedly liberating approaches from alternative enlightenment New Age, promises of salvation, belief in "good" aliens, esotericism and religious longings for salvation, are on their way into the new world order. Only this generates "the new world order". Everything, including mythological and mysterious phenomena or wishful thinking about a better world - "the golden age" - is part of a staging of a complexly coordinated network of disinformation, psychological guidance and control mechanisms which for humanity is to end in a religious and esoteric-spiritual liberation performance. Out of it "the new world order" is born.

Read the interviews here:



To prove his reliability, Alexander Laurent wrote a book that was published in 2012. In this book are several prophecies encoded which are tracked by a blog, which is currently only available in German. But if you want to take the red pill you can use https://www.deepl.com/translator and study the blog here https://www.allmystery.de/themen/uc163496

Thanks for reading